On 25 May 2013, at 10:27 PM, Graham Leggett <minfrin@sharp.fm> wrote:
It just gets weirder and weirder.
We start with no index on the associatedDomain attribute:
[root@monica slapd-monica]# ls -al /var/lib/dirsrv/slapd-monica/db/userRoot/associatedDomain.db4
ls: cannot access /var/lib/dirsrv/slapd-monica/db/userRoot/associatedDomain.db4: No such file or directory
I ask 389ds to create the index on associatedDomain:
[root@monica slapd-monica]# ./db2index.pl -D "cn=Directory Manager" -w - -n userRoot -t associatedDomain
Bind Password:
adding new entry "cn=db2index_2013_5_25_21_21_43, cn=index, cn=tasks, cn=config"
I watch the log file, 389ds goes through the motions of creating an index on associatedDomain:
[25/May/2013:21:21:42 +0100] - userRoot: Indexing attribute: associatedDomain
[25/May/2013:21:22:11 +0100] - userRoot: Finished indexing.
We end with no index on the associatedDomain attribute, no error message, no nothing:
Got to the bottom of this.
Should the two master servers not agree on the schema, most specifically schema elements on server A are missing from server B, the index generation process will fail silently, and return a message saying "Finished indexing" above.
This fools the admin into thinking the attribute has been successfully indexed when no indexing took place.
Hopefully this will help someone else.