Hi list,
I was expecting these new changes in PassSync (moreover
those related to the 8th bit handling) , so congrats for the
advances. I've found the following when I've tried the
upgrade the product on one of my 2003 32bits windows
1.- I cannot simply update. The installed version was
1.4. A message tells me to uninstall the previous version
and reinstall.
2.- If I uninstall the previous version, restart and
install 1.5 from scratch, the installer stops when it tries
to start the PassSync service , the rolls back the setup and
does nothing. Error 1603 appears in the event viewer. I've
troubleshooted this error according to Microsofts kb but
none of the symptoms match my scenario.
I've tried the upgrade of my other two windows2003 x32
controllers , but I'm asked to upgrade windows installer
first. All in all , could those problems relate to an old
windows installer version? I havent updated it yet, just
needed to make sure first. Could also be related to the way
the 1.5 .msi was generated?