Here's the problem:
Running startconsole (SSL) to a remote display on a PC X-server (xwin32) works fine and requires that my windows home dir on the PC X-server machine has .fedora-console/ containing cert8.db and key3.db, as you'd expect. If I rename this dir, the console hangs at the splash screen. So far, so good, all makes sense.
If I try the same thing to cygwin's X server on same machine or to an X server on a Mac running OSX, startconsole always hangs as if it can't find ~/.fedora-console on the local machine. I've tried copying this dir to what cygwin/OSX thinks is the user's home dir but no luck. Where should I put the Cert db files under "real" UNIX X to get the SSL console to work? Also tried ~/.mmc as per the docs but I could never get this to work.
Philip Kime
NOPS Systems Architect
310 401 0407