On 10/30/2013 07:38 PM, Rich Megginson wrote:
On 10/30/2013 12:12 PM, thierry bordaz wrote:
On 10/30/2013 06:59 PM, Rich Megginson wrote:
On 10/30/2013 10:47 AM, thierry bordaz wrote:

This tickets implement a test case and propose a layout of the CI tests in the 389-ds.
The basic idea is to put CI tests under:
Does "tickets" in this case mean "tickets for issues in the 389 trac"?
Yes in my mind, this directory would contains test cases for 389 tickets.

File or directory?  I don't understand - is standalone_test.py supposed to be a real ticket?  Or will the tickets directory contain files like ticket47424.py, ticket47332.py, etc.?

All tickets having a test case with a standalone topology will be in standalone_test.py file.

A ticket test case, in that file, will be a method prefixed by "test_".
The setup instance method of standalone_test.py will create a standalone instance that will be shared by all the test case (e.g. test_ticketxyz(self)  method).
The teardown will remove the instance at the end of execution of all test cases.


For example, test_standalone.py would setup a standalone topology and will contain all ticket test cases that are applicable on standalone topology.


So we would just keep adding tests to the single file standalone_test.py, every time we add a test for a trac ticket that deals with a standalone server?
Yes, if we have a test case for a ticket_xyz, we may add a new class method

class Test_standAlone(object):
        def setup(self):
        def teardown(self):

        def test_ticket_xyz(self):
            def _test_ticket_xyx_setup():
                <initialization of test case ticket xyz>
            def _test_ticket_xyz_teardown():
                <cleanup for test case ticket xyz>


            <test case>


        def test_ticket_abc(self)

        def test_final(self)
            <triggers the cleanup of the standalone instance>
This won't be in a separate file called ticketXYZ.py?
No, if the test case for ticket xyz   implies a standalone topology, it will be a method in standalone_test.py



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