On Nov 1, 2005, at 8:50 AM, David Boreham wrote:

Nathan Kinder wrote:

What issues are you having with ns-httpd on x86_64?  Are you simply having problems starting it?

The OP was seeing segfault on admin server startup, which he assumed was the
problem mentioned here:

He then tried the Sun JVM (1.5, not 1.4x), which didn't work either,
for reasons unknown at this time.

Sorry for the delay to get back...  

David has the correct sequence here, but it was late and I realized this morning that I had reinstalled the rpm and didn't update the JRE path.  I'll take a look at that stuff today to close it out and update what notes I can on the subject.

Rich, thanks for the leads on httpd 2.0.  I'll also give those a whirl.
