Am 01.04.14 schrieb Noriko Hosoi <>:

Hello Carsten,

Could it be possible to share your failed test cases with us for our debugging?

I have setup an winsync replication agreement  with a W2K8R2 AD. There is enabled the SFU for managing the Posix attributes uidnumber, gidnumber, unixshell, unixhomedir, nisdomain, ...
The test failes if I change some of the Posix attributes. These changes will not synched.
The reason is that for #716980 the value for rawentry is reseted before winsync cb is called and for #47314  the cb posix_winsync_pre_ds_mod_user_cb returns immediately if rawentry is NULL.
Before #47314 only account enable/disable have to fail.

sync_acct_disable I took from ipa.
I don't know exactly what is the difference beteween ad_entry and rawentry. Perhaps all works as before if I ignore rawentry in the cb code and use ad_entry instead.



Rich Megginson wrote:
On 04/01/2014 07:34 AM, Carsten Grzemba wrote:
Hi Rich,

this breaks the current implementaion for posix-winsync:

Bug 716980 - winsync uses old AD entry if new one not found
Resolves: bug 716980
Bug Description: winsync uses old AD entry if new one not found Reviewed by: nhosoi (Thanks!)
Branch: master
Fix Description: Clear out the old raw_entry before doing the search. This will leave a NULL in the raw entry. winsync plugins will need to handle a NULL for the raw_entry and/or ad_entry.

In the moment posix_winsync_pre_ds_mod_user_cb returns imediataly on raw_entry == NULL
How should the plugin handle the NULL for raw_entry?

Not sure.  Please reopen that ticket.  If it broke posix-winsync, it is likely to break other winsync plugins (e.g. ipa winsync).


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