389 Directory Server 2.0.4
The 389 Directory Server team is proud to announce 389-ds-base version 2.0.4
Fedora packages are available on Fedora 34 and Rawhide
Fedora 34:
<https://koji.fedoraproject.org/koji/taskinfo?taskID=65380611> - Koji
<https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2021-123ca32c27> - Bohdi
The new packages and versions are:
* 389-ds-base-2.0.4-1
Source tarballs are available for download at Download
389-ds-base Source
Highlights in 2.0.4
* Bug & security fixes
Installation and Upgrade
See Download <https://www.port389.org/docs/389ds/download.html> for
information about setting up your yum repositories.
To install the server use *dnf install 389-ds-base*
To install the Cockpit UI plugin use *dnf install cockpit-389-ds*
After rpm install completes, run *dscreate interactive*
For upgrades, simply install the package. There are no further
steps required.
There are no upgrade steps besides installing the new rpms
See Install_Guide
<https://www.port389.org/docs/389ds/howto/howto-install-389.html> for
more information about the initial installation and setup
See Source <https://www.port389.org/docs/389ds/development/source.html>
for information about source tarballs and SCM (git) access.
We are very interested in your feedback!
Please provide feedback and comments to the 389-users mailing list:
If you find a bug, or would like to see a new feature, file it in our
GitHub project: https://github.com/389ds/389-ds-base
* Bump version to 2.0.4
* Issue 4680 - 389ds coredump (@389ds/389-ds-base-nightly) in replica
install with CA (#4715)
* Issue 3965 - RFE - Implement the Password Policy attribute
“pwdReset” (#4713)
* Issue 4700 - Regression in winsync replication agreement (#4712)
* Issue 3965 - RFE - Implement the Password Policy attribute
“pwdReset” (#4710)
* Issue 4169 - UI - migrate monitor tables to PF4
* issue 4585 - backend redesign phase 3c - dbregion test removal (#4665)
* Issue 2736 - remove remaining perl references
* Issue 2736 - https://github.com/389ds/389-ds-base/issues/2736
* Issue 4706 - negative wtime in access log for CMP operations
* Issue 3585 - LDAP server returning controltype in different sequence
* Issue 4127 - With Accounts/Account module delete fuction is not
working (#4697)
* Issue 4666 - BUG - cb_ping_farm can fail with anonymous binds
disabled (#4669)
* Issue 4671 - UI - Fix browser crashes
* Issue 4169 - UI - Add PF4 charts for server stats
* Issue 4648 - Fix some issues and improvement around CI tests (#4651)
* Issue 4654 Updates to tickets/ticket48234_test.py (#4654)
* Issue 4229 - Fix Rust linking
* Issue 4673 - Update Rust crates
* Issue 4658 - monitor - connection start date is incorrect
* Issue 4169 - UI - migrate modals to PF4
* Issue 4656 - remove problematic language from ds-replcheck
* Issue 4459 - lib389 - Default paths should use dse.ldif if the
server is down
* Issue 4656 - Remove problematic language from UI/CLI/lib389
* Issue 4661 - RFE - allow importing openldap schemas (#4662)
* Issue 4659 - restart after openldap migration to enable plugins (#4660)
* Merge pull request #4664 from mreynolds389/issue4663
* issue 4552 - Backup Redesign phase 3b - use dbimpl in replicatin
plugin (#4622)
* Issue 4643 - Add a tool that generates Rust dependencies for a
specfile (#4645)
* Issue 4646 - CLI/UI - revise DNA plugin management
* Issue 4644 - Large updates can reset the CLcache to the beginning of
the changelog (#4647)
* Issue 4649 - crash in sync_repl when a MODRDN create a cenotaph (#4652)
* Issue 4169 - UI - Migrate alerts to PF4
* Issue 4169 - UI - Migrate Accordians to PF4 ExpandableSection
* Issue 4595 - Paged search lookthroughlimit bug (#4602)
* Issue 4169 - UI - port charts to PF4
* Issue 2820 - Fix CI test suite issues
* Issue 4513 - CI - make acl ip address tests more robust