Review Request (realmd)

John Dennis jdennis at
Fri Apr 12 12:51:27 UTC 2013

I would like the team to review the realmd provider I wrote. I tried to 
use ReviewBoard to post the review request but I ran into number of 
problems since the code is not yet in one of the repos known to the 
ReivewBorad instance. Also a diff in the context of new code doesn't 
make much sense, there is nothing to diff against and with such a large 
body of code diff format would be difficult to read. Instead I'm going 
to suggest cloning the below git repo to review the code.


In other projects we review prior to import anyway.

Some notes:

* We recognize this is not the best example of CIM modeling, To fully 
integrate into the existing CIM schema requires the existence of other 
providers which do not exist (i.e. credentials, KDC, etc.). We had a 
meeting about this a couple of weeks ago and decided at this juncture it 
was best to just expose what realmd provides and not attempt full model 
integration. We expect scriptons to hide much of this anyway.

* Two mof's have been proposed. The original LMI_realmd.mof exposed many 
of the features of realmd but there was concern about needing to support 
this API in the future when things change or whether people really 
needed access to the additional functionality. An alternate mof was 
proposed with a greatly simplified API that really only exposes a 
DomainName property and the JoinDomain & LeaveDomain methods. It was 
easy to just add the DomainName property and methods to the existing 
LMI_RealmdService class, this is marked in the mof with the comment 
"Proof of concept simplfied API starts here". At this early stage this 
seemed preferable to needing to produce two different providers, two 
different git branches, the potential to lose the source code for the 
full functionality if only the simplified version is imported etc. 
However, what is exposed via the mof is a question which must be resolved.

* There is a Python client script, doc/examples/realmd-cim which 
illustrates potential scripton snippets. It was written in a manner 
whereby the main script handles command line arg parsing and CIMOM 
connection handling, but then passes off operations to commands which 
implement individual actions, each has the same function prototype, a 
connection object, the parsed command line options, and any extra 
command line arguments.

* There are some files in the repo which exist only for development 
purposes, e.g. the scripts under tools/ and a barebones spec file used 
only for testing, you can ignore these during review.


John Dennis <jdennis at>

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