Reconciling names

Angus Thomas athomas at
Fri Oct 26 16:00:43 UTC 2012

Thanks for all the feedback. I'm very pleased that everyone is getting 
behind the idea that we should converge.

Below is my summary of everyone's responses. I'm taking this back to the 
Cloud Engine product managers and will report back.


Component Outline & Image

If we are renaming Image Template to Component Outline, should we rename 
Image to Component? That way, a Component Outline would lead to the 
creation of a Component.

There has been some confusion with "image" being the 
non-provider-specific container that includes actual provider images 
across the provider accounts. Perhaps we should use "component" here, 
but keep TargetImage, ProviderImage, etc -- it might actually remove the 
confusion that the "image" object isn't really a disk image of any sort. 
Component Outline defines what to build, Component is what the assembly 
references, and Provider Image is what is actually launched on a provider.

Alternatively, we could stick with "Image", and "Image Template/Outline"

AppForm Blueprint

Can we use the same word in both "Component Outline" and "AppForm 
Blueprint". Given their similarities, they should both be either 
Outlines or Blueprint


It feels like an AppForm is a Deployable/App blueprint rather than a 
Deployment/App. The 'form' in there sounds like we're dealing with 
something template-like.


"Cloud" is already overloaded and over-hyped. However, within a narrower 
niche of tech-savvy sysadmins, "cloud" _does_ have a clearer meaning. 
It's cloud providers, like EC2 or Rackspace, or internal private 
"clouds". But that's now how we are using it.

How about "Cloud environment" -- it seems to encapsulate most of what 
we're saying is good about 'cloud' -- but with the additional notion 
that these cloud environments differ in how they attach to physical 
clouds, their intended purpose (i.e. what images are available), etc. 
Especially since our intended use of the PoolFamily/Environment/Cloud 
concept was for things like separating "development" from "production", etc.

Frontend Realm/New Name

Frontend Realms could be called Destinations or Destination Constraints.

Resource Provider

Ironically, this is the one place we _shouldn't_ remove the "Cloud" 
label.  It's probably clear enough what a "Provider" is in the context 
of our app, but "Cloud Provider" seems unambiguous and widely-understood.

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