a not-so-technical user's experience with Conductor

Steve Loranz sloranz at redhat.com
Tue Oct 23 15:27:22 UTC 2012

I think it's worth repeating that there has been quite a bit of development on imagefactory since the 1.0 release currently used by conductor.

With imagefactory 2.0, the "magic provider name" issue is gone. We have also changed the way we provide status, providing both a simplified status string meant for the UI as well as the full log detail when digging deeper is necessary. While we endeavor to provide more meaningful status messages in 2.0, with the number of moving parts and subcomponents we use, I cannot promise every situation has been corrected.

Along with the changes mentioned above,

- we made much needed changes to the REST interface to make it more sane
- we improved the CLI to make it more useable
- we introduced a plugin API and converted our builder code to plugins
- we added a plugin for OpenStack

The only problem is that, with all of the change we introduced (especially in the REST interface), conductor needed changes to work with the post 1.x imagefactory. We have been working with the developers on the conductor team that are leading that effort and it sounds as though it will not be too much longer before this integration is completed and the above changes can be used.


On Oct 23, 2012, at 4:47 AM, Martin Povolny <mpovolny at redhat.com> wrote:

>>> Log in, adding a provider
>>> #1 error: "Provider name must start with 'ec2-'"
>>> WTF? why? the UI allows any name! (was told, this is fixed somewhere)
>> I'd be curious to know if this was actually fixed, and if the fix was
>> that we were no longer required to have "magic" names that indicated
>> provider type.
> As I understand it, yes, ImageFactory should be fixed. But I'm not sure
> about it, will try to find out.

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