2012.10.1 Sprint End Deadlines

Steve Linabery slinaber at redhat.com
Thu Oct 18 15:56:11 UTC 2012

Thanks to everyone's hard work the current sprint (2012.10.1) is well underway.

Given the unfortunate tendency of time to slip away, you may want to keep the following dates in mind:
Tue 23-Oct
 * All patches to list

Wed 24-Oct
 * All commits and pull requests merged to master

Thu 25-Oct
 * Integration/burn in time -- dev should be:
        * actively engaged with QE efforts to ensure everything works end-to-end and rectify cases where that is not true
        * work to define stories for the next sprint
        * freshen up documentation on the wiki/site

Thu 01-Nov
End of Sprint Review and Demos

Note that this leaves less than a week for development of current features. If you have something that is likely to slip, please raise a red flag early and often. And please keep an eye on the mailing lists for patches and pull requests in need of love.

I have added these dates to the aeolusproject.org wiki[1]

Thank you!
Steve Linabery (eggs|eggmaster)

[1] https://redmine.aeolusproject.org/redmine/projects/aeolus/wiki/2012_10_1_Sprint_End_Dates

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