API consistency

Jiří Stránský jstransk at redhat.com
Wed Oct 3 15:32:32 UTC 2012

Hi everyone,

we'd like to make API more consistent and we need to do as much of this as possible in a short time. The proposed solutions are based on chats with mtaylor and pblaho and on what I think we agreed on IRC yesterday. Please speak up if you feel the solutions are wrong, as tomorrow I'm starting to implement them :)

Here's an API style guide draft: https://www.aeolusproject.org/redmine/projects/aeolus/wiki/API_Style_Guide

The most important things that I'm going to focus on in upcoming days are:

* Changing all remaining 'url' attributes to 'href' when linking to other resources (IME and Deltacloud already use href consistently),

* Making body of all error responses follow the structure that is described in the style guide ^^^ (don't mind the spaces in <code> tags there, I couldn't get Redmine to display it well with the tags written properly).

Next up, I'd like to change this:

* CREATE requests to return 201

* DELETE requests to return 204 with no response body


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