[PATCH conductor 2/2] rake tasks to control the scheduler

Richard Su rwsu at redhat.com
Thu May 31 18:41:46 UTC 2012

rake scheduler:status[login,password,hostname]
rake scheduler:start[login,password,hostname]
rake scheduler:stop[login,password,hostname]

Plus tests for JobScheduler.
 src/lib/tasks/scheduler.rake                       |   47 +++++
 src/spec/lib/job_scheduler_spec.rb                 |   60 +++++++
 src/spec/vcr/cassettes/job_scheduler.yml           |  186 ++++++++++++++++++++
 .../vcr/cassettes/job_scheduler_bad_password.yml   |   34 ++++
 4 files changed, 327 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 src/lib/tasks/scheduler.rake
 create mode 100644 src/spec/lib/job_scheduler_spec.rb
 create mode 100644 src/spec/vcr/cassettes/job_scheduler.yml
 create mode 100644 src/spec/vcr/cassettes/job_scheduler_bad_password.yml

diff --git a/src/lib/tasks/scheduler.rake b/src/lib/tasks/scheduler.rake
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0f50c3d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/lib/tasks/scheduler.rake
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+require 'job_scheduler'
+namespace :scheduler do
+  desc 'scheduler status'
+  task :status, [:login, :password, :hostname] => :environment do |t, args|
+    unless args.login && args.password && args.hostname
+      puts "Usage: rake 'scheduler:status[login,password,hostname]'"
+      exit(1)
+    end
+    print_status(JobScheduler.status_via_http(args.login, args.password, args.hostname))
+  end
+  desc 'scheduler start'
+  task :start, [:login, :password, :hostname] => :environment do |t, args|
+    unless args.login && args.password && args.hostname
+      puts "Usage: rake 'scheduler:start[login,password,hostname]'"
+      exit(1)
+    end
+    print_status(JobScheduler.start_via_http(args.login, args.password, args.hostname))
+  end
+  desc 'scheduler stop'
+  task :stop, [:login, :password, :hostname] => :environment do |t, args|
+    unless args.login && args.password && args.hostname
+      puts "Usage: rake 'scheduler:stop[login,password,hostname]'"
+      exit(1)
+    end
+    print_status(JobScheduler.stop_via_http(args.login, args.password, args.hostname))
+  end
+  def print_status(response)
+    if response.strip == "<activated>false</activated>"
+      puts "Job scheduler is off"
+    elsif response.strip == "<activated>true</activated>"
+      puts "Job scheduler is on"
+    else
+      puts "Job scheduler status unknown"
+    end
+  end
diff --git a/src/spec/lib/job_scheduler_spec.rb b/src/spec/lib/job_scheduler_spec.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fdcf27e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/spec/lib/job_scheduler_spec.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+#   Copyright 2012 Red Hat, Inc.
+#   Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+#   you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+#   You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#       http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+#   Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+#   distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+#   WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+#   See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+#   limitations under the License.
+require 'spec_helper'
+require 'job_scheduler'
+require 'vcr'
+describe JobScheduler do
+  it "status, start, and stop" do
+    JobScheduler.activated?.should == false
+    JobScheduler.start
+    JobScheduler.activated?.should == true
+    JobScheduler.stop
+    JobScheduler.activated?.should == false
+  end
+  VCR.config do |c|
+    c.cassette_library_dir = 'spec/vcr/cassettes'
+    c.stub_with :webmock
+  end
+  login = 'admin'
+  hostname = 'localhost'
+  it "status, start, and stop via http" do
+    VCR.use_cassette('job_scheduler', :record => :new_episodes, :match_requests_on => [:method, :uri, :body, :headers]) do
+      password = 'password'
+      JobScheduler.status_via_http(login, password, hostname).strip.should == "<activated>false</activated>"
+      JobScheduler.start_via_http(login, password, hostname).strip.should == "<activated>true</activated>"
+      JobScheduler.status_via_http(login, password, hostname).strip.should == "<activated>true</activated>"
+      JobScheduler.stop_via_http(login, password, hostname).strip.should == "<activated>false</activated>"
+      JobScheduler.status_via_http(login, password, hostname).strip.should == "<activated>false</activated>"
+    end
+  end
+  it "start via http with incorrect password" do
+    VCR.use_cassette('job_scheduler_bad_password', :record => :new_episodes, :match_requests_on => [:method, :uri, :body, :headers]) do
+      password = 'badpassword'
+      JobScheduler.start_via_http(login, password, hostname).strip.should == ""
+    end
+  end
diff --git a/src/spec/vcr/cassettes/job_scheduler.yml b/src/spec/vcr/cassettes/job_scheduler.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..77bc80f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/spec/vcr/cassettes/job_scheduler.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,186 @@
+- !ruby/struct:VCR::HTTPInteraction
+  request: !ruby/struct:VCR::Request
+    method: :get
+    uri: https://admin:password@localhost:443/conductor/job_scheduler/
+    body:
+    headers:
+      content-type:
+      - application/xml
+      http-accept:
+      - application/xml
+  response: !ruby/struct:VCR::Response
+    status: !ruby/struct:VCR::ResponseStatus
+      code: 200
+      message: OK
+    headers:
+      date:
+      - Thu, 31 May 2012 01:56:22 GMT
+      x-runtime:
+      - "0.204081"
+      set-cookie:
+      - _session_id=25e894ffb9fe390bc416b8c0f4d602c7; path=/; HttpOnly
+      etag:
+      - "\"8d3b9c1559d5af7ef58d1bd05ecf8c56\""
+      transfer-encoding:
+      - chunked
+      cache-control:
+      - max-age=0, private, must-revalidate
+      server:
+      - thin 1.2.11 codename Bat-Shit Crazy
+      content-type:
+      - application/xml; charset=utf-8
+      x-ua-compatible:
+      - IE=Edge,chrome=1
+    body: |
+      <activated>false</activated>
+    http_version: "1.1"
+- !ruby/struct:VCR::HTTPInteraction
+  request: !ruby/struct:VCR::Request
+    method: :get
+    uri: https://admin:password@localhost:443/conductor/job_scheduler/new
+    body:
+    headers:
+      content-type:
+      - application/xml
+      http-accept:
+      - application/xml
+  response: !ruby/struct:VCR::Response
+    status: !ruby/struct:VCR::ResponseStatus
+      code: 200
+      message: OK
+    headers:
+      date:
+      - Thu, 31 May 2012 01:56:22 GMT
+      x-runtime:
+      - "0.096482"
+      set-cookie:
+      - _session_id=c9e508e01ff15fcb3de53eae927c19b4; path=/; HttpOnly
+      etag:
+      - "\"fc733921358334b1dbc3735a8cc3723a\""
+      transfer-encoding:
+      - chunked
+      cache-control:
+      - max-age=0, private, must-revalidate
+      server:
+      - thin 1.2.11 codename Bat-Shit Crazy
+      content-type:
+      - application/xml; charset=utf-8
+      x-ua-compatible:
+      - IE=Edge,chrome=1
+    body: |
+      <activated>true</activated>
+    http_version: "1.1"
+- !ruby/struct:VCR::HTTPInteraction
+  request: !ruby/struct:VCR::Request
+    method: :get
+    uri: https://admin:password@localhost:443/conductor/job_scheduler/
+    body:
+    headers:
+      content-type:
+      - application/xml
+      http-accept:
+      - application/xml
+  response: !ruby/struct:VCR::Response
+    status: !ruby/struct:VCR::ResponseStatus
+      code: 200
+      message: OK
+    headers:
+      date:
+      - Thu, 31 May 2012 01:56:23 GMT
+      x-runtime:
+      - "0.082169"
+      set-cookie:
+      - _session_id=9ce6f06febbf18a1134c2ab8eedc1ed2; path=/; HttpOnly
+      etag:
+      - "\"fc733921358334b1dbc3735a8cc3723a\""
+      transfer-encoding:
+      - chunked
+      cache-control:
+      - max-age=0, private, must-revalidate
+      server:
+      - thin 1.2.11 codename Bat-Shit Crazy
+      content-type:
+      - application/xml; charset=utf-8
+      x-ua-compatible:
+      - IE=Edge,chrome=1
+    body: |
+      <activated>true</activated>
+    http_version: "1.1"
+- !ruby/struct:VCR::HTTPInteraction
+  request: !ruby/struct:VCR::Request
+    method: :delete
+    uri: https://admin:password@localhost:443/conductor/job_scheduler/1
+    body:
+    headers:
+      content-type:
+      - application/xml
+      http-accept:
+      - application/xml
+  response: !ruby/struct:VCR::Response
+    status: !ruby/struct:VCR::ResponseStatus
+      code: 200
+      message: OK
+    headers:
+      date:
+      - Thu, 31 May 2012 01:56:23 GMT
+      x-runtime:
+      - "0.083348"
+      set-cookie:
+      - _session_id=66e5bf3bcf6916dd906f09dda272542c; path=/; HttpOnly
+      etag:
+      - "\"8d3b9c1559d5af7ef58d1bd05ecf8c56\""
+      transfer-encoding:
+      - chunked
+      cache-control:
+      - max-age=0, private, must-revalidate
+      server:
+      - thin 1.2.11 codename Bat-Shit Crazy
+      content-type:
+      - application/xml; charset=utf-8
+      x-ua-compatible:
+      - IE=Edge,chrome=1
+    body: |
+      <activated>false</activated>
+    http_version: "1.1"
+- !ruby/struct:VCR::HTTPInteraction
+  request: !ruby/struct:VCR::Request
+    method: :get
+    uri: https://admin:password@localhost:443/conductor/job_scheduler/
+    body:
+    headers:
+      content-type:
+      - application/xml
+      http-accept:
+      - application/xml
+  response: !ruby/struct:VCR::Response
+    status: !ruby/struct:VCR::ResponseStatus
+      code: 200
+      message: OK
+    headers:
+      date:
+      - Thu, 31 May 2012 01:56:23 GMT
+      x-runtime:
+      - "0.074150"
+      set-cookie:
+      - _session_id=d03c029ec0f4ac75faba282f787e897c; path=/; HttpOnly
+      etag:
+      - "\"8d3b9c1559d5af7ef58d1bd05ecf8c56\""
+      transfer-encoding:
+      - chunked
+      cache-control:
+      - max-age=0, private, must-revalidate
+      server:
+      - thin 1.2.11 codename Bat-Shit Crazy
+      content-type:
+      - application/xml; charset=utf-8
+      x-ua-compatible:
+      - IE=Edge,chrome=1
+    body: |
+      <activated>false</activated>
+    http_version: "1.1"
diff --git a/src/spec/vcr/cassettes/job_scheduler_bad_password.yml b/src/spec/vcr/cassettes/job_scheduler_bad_password.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..743374e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/spec/vcr/cassettes/job_scheduler_bad_password.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+- !ruby/struct:VCR::HTTPInteraction
+  request: !ruby/struct:VCR::Request
+    method: :get
+    uri: https://admin:badpassword@localhost:443/conductor/job_scheduler/new
+    body:
+    headers:
+      content-type:
+      - application/xml
+      http-accept:
+      - application/xml
+  response: !ruby/struct:VCR::Response
+    status: !ruby/struct:VCR::ResponseStatus
+      code: 401
+      message: Unauthorized
+    headers:
+      content-type:
+      - application/xml; charset=utf-8
+      x-runtime:
+      - "0.121451"
+      cache-control:
+      - no-cache
+      server:
+      - thin 1.2.11 codename Bat-Shit Crazy
+      x-ua-compatible:
+      - IE=Edge,chrome=1
+      set-cookie:
+      - _session_id=24ad1b8522e903415be0b485bb8dff4b; path=/; HttpOnly
+      date:
+      - Thu, 31 May 2012 01:57:29 GMT
+      transfer-encoding:
+      - chunked
+    body: " "
+    http_version: "1.1"

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