New wiki page -> our git branches

Matt Wagner matt.wagner at
Thu May 31 13:28:18 UTC 2012

On Thu, May 31, 2012 at 04:00:45PM +1000, Justin Clift wrote:
> Hey all,
> We don't yet have a listing of our git branches, showing what each is for.
> So, created one here:
> The purpose of some branches is really obvious, so it was easy to write
> descriptions for them.  Need help with the non-obvious ones though: :)
>  * admin_ui -

I believe this was temporary.

>  * common_header -

This should be deleted now. This was where I put some of the beginnings
of the work for working towards a common header with the Katello branch,
but this is now obsolete and the work is taking place on gelato.

>  * feature-providers-api -
>  * fix_iwhd_tests -
>  * gelato -

"gelato" is the Conductor branch where we are working on implementing
the converge-ui[1] project to share a common user interface with the
Katello project. I will update the wiki page accordingly.

(The story behind the name -- I had no idea what to call it, but Katello
called their branch "froyo", so I stuck with the delicious frozen treat
theme, and no one stopped me.)

>  * gelato_reorder -

Pretty sure this can be deleted.

>  * initscript_cleanup -
>  * min_unified_ui -

Wow, I didn't know this was still around. Delete-able.

>  * readme -

Even older. I created this like six months ago with an updated README
file which is now on master. I'll delete this one now.

>  * unified_ui -

Pretty sure we can delete this one too. We apparently created a ton of
branches early on for this.

>  * master - [what's the best way to describe "master"?]
>  * 0.3.x - Our 0.3.x release series
>  * 0.4.x - Our 0.4.x release series
>  * 0.5.x - Our 0.5.x release series
>  * 0.6.x - Our 0.6.x release series
>  * 0.7.x - Our 0.7.x release series
>  * 0.8.x - Our 0.8.x release series
>  * 0.9-maint - Our 0.9.x release series
>  * 0_2_0 - Our 0.2.x release series
> If you know what a branch is for, please reply back with its description
> so it can be included. (updating the wiki page directly is also ok) :)

I'll update the wiki page for "gelato".

I noted several above that I'm pretty sure we can delete, but I'm going
to hold off a little bit on doing so in case anyone is still depending
on them.

-- Matt

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