cloud state requirements

Jan Provaznik jprovazn at
Mon May 28 12:31:29 UTC 2012

>> TODO: how to handle credentials? will the stateful app keep credentails
>> permanently for each instance being checked?
> As much as this worries me from a security standpoint, I don't see
> another way around this - cloud API's generally don't allow any
> delegation of auth.
> There's a couple more TODO's connected to credentials:
> TODO: how are credentials changes handled (user revokes API Key and
> generates a new one) ? [not for the first cut]

We might allow update action for the Instance resource, this can then be 
easily called from Conductor.

> TODO: when are stored credentials purged ? We want to make sure we get
> rid of them as quickly as possible.

I would say that credentials are deleted together with the instance with 
which they are associated.


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