cloud state requirements

Jan Provaznik jprovazn at
Mon May 28 12:13:53 UTC 2012

>> 2) it should be possible to register hooks for a resource I want to watch,
>> hook could be just an URL, when the resource is changed data are POSTed to
>> the registered URL.
> That is a very nice idea however we will need to think about that more:
> 1. What will happen with the hook itself when it deliver results.

A registered hook would be deleted when the associated instance is 
deleted from Tracker or when a user de-registers the hook.

An instance would be deleted from Tracker when it stops exist 
('finished' state) or if a user de-registers/deletes the instance from 

> 2. What will be reported if a failure occurs on backend side while pooling.

We need to know about the errors, for example if an instance 
"disappears" from a provider or if a provider is not accessible.
This might be done by setting specific state to the instance: 'vanished' 
for disappeared instances, 'unknown' if there is a connection error.


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