Updates for the Aeolus "Get It" page, for RHEL/CentOS version?

Justin Clift jclift at redhat.com
Sat May 26 22:43:19 UTC 2012

Realised today that our "Get It" page still has instructions on it to enable
the "Optional" repo in RHEL/RHN/equiv.

Going to remove that, as it doesn't seem to be needed.

Did notice one hiccup though, specific to the RHEL6 version.  We seem to be
missing the mustache rubygem:

  Error: Package: aeolus-conductor-0.9.0-0.20120504193224gita8a4c66.el6_2.noarch (rhel-aeolus-testing)
           Requires: rubygem(mustache) >= 0.99.4
 You could try using --skip-broken to work around the problem
 You could try running: rpm -Va --nofiles --nodigest

The EPEL repo has the requested mustache rubygem rpm in it, which lets installation

I'm wondering if we should add the EPEL repo to our install instructions.
i.e. swap the "Optional" repo dependency for the EPEL repo

Anyone know if that would be a good/bad/otherwise thing to do?

Regards and best wishes,

Justin Clift

Aeolus Community Manager

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