[PATCH 0/1] Getting the app working on non-rpm setups

Jason Guiditta jguiditt at redhat.com
Wed May 23 21:18:23 UTC 2012

Detail on purpose in commit message, but this patch gets us to a good
number of tests passing, and the app just about fully working on Rails
3.2.  There are 19 failing specs, and 35 failing features for me,
running under rvm with: version 1.8.7-p357.  

What I would like to see from others in order to push this patch, is
verification I have not broken anything on the current/rpm version, and
that things mostly work right under rvm using bundler.  For those 
unfamiliar with rvm, you can find the installation directions here [1].
If you are unfortunate enough to be using Gnome and the Gnome terminal,
take special note of the required settings for rvm to work [2].
Then simply:

* cp Gemfile.in Gemfile
* rvm install 1.8.7-p357
* rvm use 1.8.7-p357
* rvm gemset create conductor
* rvm gemset use conductor
* export USE_BUNDLER=yes
* bundle

And that is it, in 7 easy steps  ;) Yes, you could collapse them once
you know rvm better, but I want to keep it easy to see what is happening
for now.

You can now run the app or rake spec/cucumber and see if you get the
same results I did.  I cc'ed Imre not to make him feel like he needed
to do the full review, but because he added mustache support, which
is one of the big remaining errors I could get past. It seems that the
template handler is not initialized quite correctly, due to some changes
that occured in Rails 3.1 [3], but I dont understand it all well enough
to fix it, hoping the community can take the ball on this one.  Basically,
if json content type is requested, mustache templates render, for html
or standard js requests, they do not.  You can see this on the main pool
page as an example. It will initially render with al the actual template
content (ie {{foo}}), and then when the json refresh comes around, it
suddenly has real content.

Again, there are still things that will need fixing, but I would really
like to see this get in, as it is the closest to a working 'upstream ruby'
version of the app as we have had to this point.  In addition, being able
to run on both versions of Rails seems like it is entirely possible, so we
can minimize impact on our distro releases while moving forward upstream.

[1] https://rvm.io/rvm/install/
[2] https://rvm.io/integration/gnome-terminal/
[3] http://guides.rubyonrails.org/3_1_release_notes.html#action-view


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