Adding new provider

Joseph VLcek jvlcek at
Wed May 16 15:11:00 UTC 2012

On May 16, 2012, at 9:48 AM, Mo Morsi wrote:

> On 05/16/2012 02:58 PM, Joseph VLcek wrote:
>> On May 16, 2012, at 6:12 AM, Mo Morsi wrote:
>>> On 05/16/2012 09:26 AM, Nauman Thanvi wrote:
>>>> Hi All,
>>>> We tried to get the info on irc but especially the Image Factory
>>>> developers are difficult to approach due to opposite timezone.
>>>> I think people on irc already said there is no information on adding
>>>> new providers and the people doing OpenStack will try to write some.
>>>> We like to know specific files and parts for adding new provider and
>>>> what could be the start, I assume these are the steps
>>>> 1- Adding support for DeltaCloud driver (its been done)
>>>> 2- Adding provider type in conductor models [Need specific information
>>>> on files and procedure]
>>>> 3- Adding config file FGCP
>>>> 4- Image 
>>>> - how we get a list of image id's from the FGCP and their
>>>> descriptions (CentOS 5.6 base OS, etc.)
>>>> - uploading an image is not supported so we can skip that part.
>>>> Is there any wiki to getting started for development mode? I've been
>>>> trying to play around with conductor and I must say it is painful,
>>>> without having much information
>>>> I'd like to know what cloud specific code needs to be written for
>>>> Aeolus to support for FGCP.
>>> You can find a copy of the Aeolus architecture diagram here:
>>> To add a new cloud provider, the following components need support for
>>> that provider:
>>> * deltacloud - adapt the cloud provider's api to the deltacloud api here
>>> * imagefactory - extend imagefactory with a new module to build images
>>> for your cloud provider
>>> * conductor - add the provider type of src/db/seeds.rb as well as new
>>> credential definitions to be able to specify provider accounts on that
>>> provider
>>> Then you should be able to use the Conductor interface (or the
>>> aeolus-cli command line interface utility) to build images and launch /
>>> monitor / control instances on your cloud provider.
>>> If there are any issues w/ doing any of this or w/ general aeolus
>>> development or usage, feel free to respond here or ping me directly on
>>> irc (mmorsi on #aeolus on freenode)
>>> Hope this helps,
>>> -Mo
>> * Audrey/Config Server - Add support for the user data injection,
>> which you will have to add to the updates in Deltacloud, for the given
>> cloud provider. 
>> See files:
>> Hope this helps too,
>> Joe
> Are these additions required for basic usage? Eg for adding the minimal
> functionality to get a new provider type up and running and to build
> images / launch instances against it?
>  -Mo

No these additions are not required for basic usage? Thanks for pointing that out Mo.

The Audrey Changes are only necessary for passing configuration data
to and between launching instances using Config Server.


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