[PATCH 0/2 conductor] fix a few broken tests

Jason Guiditta jguiditt at redhat.com
Tue May 15 21:33:26 UTC 2012

On 15/05/12 13:13 -0400, Tzu-Mainn Chen wrote:
>Fixes a few broken tests exposed as result of soft_delete patchset.
As discussed in irc, this gets all but one spec passing for me.  The
failure is:


   1) Deployment.uptime_1st_instance with events return nil when
   instances are running but event with status code 'first_running'
   doesn't exist'
        Failure/Error: deployment.uptime_1st_instance.should == nil
          expected: nil
               got: 10047283.058612 (using ==)
        # ./spec/models/deployment_spec.rb:480

   Finished in 1004.28 seconds
   704 examples, 1 failure

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