[PATCH 0/2] Bundler usage changes

Jason Guiditta jguiditt at redhat.com
Wed May 9 17:40:26 UTC 2012

This patchset implements Redmine feature #3162: 'As a developer, I would 
like to be able to easily work using rubygem or rpm, and to be able to 
swap back and forth, so that I can more easily test/develop against 
different platforms'.  Note that there seems to be a lingering issues with
what bundler see on an install where USE_BUNDLER=yes.  In my testing, something
on the path was looking for rack ~> 1.2.1, but I cannot for the ife of me
figure out what.  This does not keep the distro/rpm version from working, and I
believe it is a bug outside these patches' scope, so I just want to mention
that seems to be the only remaining blocker for upstream.

Testing of this set for standard rpm-only development is as usual:
* make sure you can run tests from src
* install rpm and verify things work
* make sure you can run a dev-mode server as expected

None of the above should show any calls to bunlder or 'bundle exec'.  If they do,
there is a bug in these patches.

To test upstream, you need a clean env (perhaps via rvm and a gemset).  You then set
the following env var:

Then run:
(you need to cp Gemfile.in -> Gemfile first for this step, and do this from src dir,
or specify full path)
* BUNDLE_GEMFILE=Gemfile bundle install

This should install the the versions in our Gemfile.lock.  Try to run tests:

* BUNDLE_GEMFILE=Gemfile rake spec

This is where I hit the bad dep.  Any assistance figuring out why is appreciated.


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