[PATCH conductor 05/11] Feature for Providers API - show action

Petr Blaho pblaho at redhat.com
Tue May 8 17:32:47 UTC 2012


This commit contains only cucumber feature and step definitions
 src/features/provider_api.feature                  |   18 +++++-----
 .../step_definitions/provider_api_steps.rb         |   35 ++++++++++++++++++-
 src/features/step_definitions/provider_steps.rb    |    9 +++++
 3 files changed, 51 insertions(+), 11 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/features/provider_api.feature b/src/features/provider_api.feature
index eb2af2b..66d4ac8 100644
--- a/src/features/provider_api.feature
+++ b/src/features/provider_api.feature
@@ -29,15 +29,15 @@ Feature: Manage Providers via API
     When I request a list of providers returned as XML
     Then I should receive list of providers as XML
-#  Scenario: Get details for provider as XML
-#    Given there is a provider
-#    When I ask for details of that provider as XML
-#    Then I should recieve details of that provider as XML
-#  Scenario: Get details for non existing provider
-#    When I ask for details of non existing provider
-#    Then I should recieve Not Found error
+  Scenario: Get details for provider as XML
+    Given there is a provider
+    When I ask for details of that provider as XML
+    Then I should recieve details of that provider as XML
+  Scenario: Get details for non existing provider
+    When I ask for details of non existing provider as XML
+    Then I should recieve Not Found error
 #  Scenario: Create a new provider
 #    When I create provider with correct data
 #    Then I should recieve OK message
diff --git a/src/features/step_definitions/provider_api_steps.rb b/src/features/step_definitions/provider_api_steps.rb
index 71ffb47..ede69aa 100644
--- a/src/features/step_definitions/provider_api_steps.rb
+++ b/src/features/step_definitions/provider_api_steps.rb
@@ -6,11 +6,42 @@ end
 When /^I request a list of providers returned as XML$/ do
   header 'Accept', 'application/xml'
-  get providers_path
+  get api_providers_path
-# TODO: complete tests for list of providers
 Then /^I should receive list of providers as XML$/ do
   response = last_response
   response.headers['Content-Type'].should include('application/xml')
+  response.status.should be_eql(200)
+  xml_body = Nokogiri::XML(response.body)
+  xml_body.xpath('//providers/provider').size.should be_eql(3)
+When /^I ask for details of that provider as XML$/ do
+  header 'Accept', 'application/xml'
+  get api_provider_path(@provider.id)
+Then /^I should recieve details of that provider as XML$/ do
+  response = last_response
+  response.headers['Content-Type'].should include('application/xml')
+  response.status.should be_eql(200)
+  xml_body = Nokogiri::XML(response.body)
+  xml_body.xpath('//provider').size.should be_eql(1)
+When /^I ask for details of non existing provider as XML$/ do
+  header 'Accept', 'application/xml'
+  provider = Provider.find_by_id(1)
+  provider.delete if provider
+  get api_provider_path(1)
+Then /^I should recieve Not Found error$/ do
+  response = last_response
+  response.headers['Content-Type'].should include('application/xml')
+  response.status.should be_eql(404)
+  xml_body = Nokogiri::XML(response.body)
+  xml_body.xpath('//error').size.should be_eql(1)
diff --git a/src/features/step_definitions/provider_steps.rb b/src/features/step_definitions/provider_steps.rb
index a521ffe..c3d552b 100644
--- a/src/features/step_definitions/provider_steps.rb
+++ b/src/features/step_definitions/provider_steps.rb
@@ -39,10 +39,19 @@ Given /^there is not a provider named "([^"]*)"$/ do |name|
+Given /^there is not (?:a )?provider with id "([^"]*)"$/ do |id|
+  provider = Provider.find_by_id(id.to_i)
+  if provider then provider.destroy end
 Given /^there is a provider named "([^\"]*)"$/ do |name|
   @provider = FactoryGirl.create(:mock_provider, :name => name)
+Given /^there is a provider$/ do
+  @provider = FactoryGirl.create(:mock_provider)
 Given /^provider "([^"]*)" is not accessible$/ do |arg1|

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