[PATCH 0/5 conductor] (Rev 2) RM 3145 - create a basic event history page

Jan Provaznik jprovazn at redhat.com
Mon May 7 12:54:19 UTC 2012

On 05/03/2012 04:52 PM, Tzu-Mainn Chen wrote:
> This patchset creates a logs/ page that displays event history.  It should work even without soft deletion implemented; although once soft deletiion is implemented, the changes will automatically be reflected.
> This revision of the patchset implements many suggestions from matty_dubs and jprovazn, including:
> - increasing the readability of the filter code in load_logs
> - updating the haml to match current standards
> - permission checks
> - dealing with legacy data
> - many minor stylistic fixes
> It also includes:
> - additional filters by state
> - mouseover for additional details
> Mainn

Hi Mainn,
the code works quite well. Have couple additional questions:
The logs page is not linked from anywhere in UI, users have to specify 
URI to get on this page - is this intention?

There was a thread on this list about keeping ruby conventions 
(especially >80 lines). I think it was after you sent your patch first 
time, though if you are going to do some updates/rebase, line splitting 
would be appreciated.

It would be nice to have at least basic tests for this new feature, 
nothing big, just make sure that if a user goes to logs/index page, 
events are listed and that basic filtering works.


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