aeolus + vsphere

Pieter Baele pieter.baele at
Mon May 7 12:42:06 UTC 2012


I try to integrate and launch an instance on a single vsphere
hypervisor (v5), so without vCenter.
The connection to the hypervisor works, and I created an account

I disabled the mock and ec2 providers

To import an image I used the fedora 15 example xml.

But If I try a new deployable:

    Deployable was not created: No route matches {:action=>"show",

What are the correct steps after the initial configuration to create
import and deploy on ESX.
Did I oversee something?


 aeolus-image push --account rootvsphere --image
87a01472-983f-11e1-9320-000000000000 --target vsphare

ERROR:  TargetImageNotFound => Could not find an appropriate target
image for account rootvsphere

[root at lablxaeolus ~]# aeolus-image list --images
ID                                       Name     OS         OS
Version     Arch       Description
------------------------------------     ----     ------
----------     ------     ----------------------------------

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