Updated Aeolus in F17

Mo Morsi mmorsi at redhat.com
Mon May 7 08:07:10 UTC 2012

The rubygem-aeolus-image and aeolus-conductor git repos have been tagged
with the latest release and the corresponding RPMS have been build and
pushed to rawhide and F17-updates.

You may find the updates in bodhi here [1] [2]. The karma is set low (1)
since the builds are currently broken there.

I've also bumped up the project versions in the Rakefile / Makefile in
the git repo so that we can start working towards updating the RPMS in
both F16 and F17 after all the current sprint's features make it into
the codebase and have been tested by QE.

Any help trying out these rpms and giving them the necessary karma to
facilitate the push to Fedora would be more than appreciated.



[2] https://admin.fedoraproject.org/updates/aeolus-conductor-0.9.0-1.fc17

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