[PATCH conductor 2/2] Redmine #3233: Consolidate duplicated steps

Jason Guiditta jguiditt at redhat.com
Thu May 3 21:11:06 UTC 2012


This refactors the pool_family scenario to use a background to set up the
authorised user, instead of having it repeated in every scenario.  The one
case where the user did not have expected priveleges was split out into its
own feature, which can later add more scenarios around lower priveleges.
 src/features/pool_family.feature       |   71 ++++++--------------------------
 src/features/unpriveleged_user.feature |   14 ++++++
 2 files changed, 27 insertions(+), 58 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 src/features/unpriveleged_user.feature

diff --git a/src/features/pool_family.feature b/src/features/pool_family.feature
index 4078867..4566307 100644
--- a/src/features/pool_family.feature
+++ b/src/features/pool_family.feature
@@ -3,13 +3,13 @@ Feature: Pool Families
   As a user
   I want to manage pool families
-  Background:
+  Background: Priveleged User
     Given I'm connected to the warehouse
+    And I am an authorised user
+    And I am logged in
   Scenario: List pool families
-    Given I am an authorised user
-    And I am logged in
-    And I am on the homepage
+    Given I am on the homepage
     And there are these pool families:
     | name      |
     | pool_family1 |
@@ -21,28 +21,16 @@ Feature: Pool Families
     | pool_family2 |
     | pool_family3 |
-  Scenario: List pool families as unprivileged user
-    Given I am a registered user
-    And I am logged in
-    And there is a pool family named "hiddenpoolfamily"
-    And I can view pool family "testpoolfamily"
-    When I go to the pool families page
-    Then I should not see "hiddenpoolfamily"
-    Then I should see "testpoolfamily"
   Scenario: Show pool family details
-    Given I am an authorised user
-    And I am logged in
-    And there is a pool family named "testpoolfamily" with a pool named "bob"
+    Given there is a pool family named "testpoolfamily"
+    #with a pool named "bob"
     And I am on the pool families page
     When I follow "testpoolfamily"
     Then I should be on the page for the pool family "testpoolfamily"
     And I should see "testpoolfamily"
   Scenario: Create a new Pool family
-    Given I am an authorised user
-    And I am logged in
-    And I am on the pool families page
+    Given I am on the pool families page
     And there is not a pool family named "testpoolfamily"
     When I follow "new_pool_family_button"
     Then I should be on the new pool family page
@@ -54,55 +42,24 @@ Feature: Pool Families
     And I should have a pool family named "testpoolfamily"
   Scenario: Delete a pool family
-    Given I am an authorised user
-    And I am logged in
-    And I am on the homepage
-    And there is a pool family named "poolfamily1" with a pool named "carl"
+    Given I am on the homepage
+    And there is a pool family named "poolfamily1"
+    #with a pool named "carl"
     When I go to the pool families page
     And I follow "poolfamily1"
     And I press "delete_pool_family_button"
     Then there should not exist a pool family named "poolfamily1"
   Scenario: Disallow deletion of default pool family
-    Given I am an authorised user
-    And I am logged in
-    And I am on the pool families page
+    Given I am on the pool families page
     Then I should see "default"
     When I follow "default"
     And I press "delete_pool_family_button"
     Then I should see an error message
     And I should see "default"
-#  Scenario: Search for pool families
-#    Given there are these pool families:
-#    | name      |
-#    | first_family |
-#    | second_family |
-#    | third_family |
-#    Given I am on the pool families page
-#    Then I should see "first_family"
-#    And I should see "second_family"
-#    And I should see "third_family"
-#    When I fill in "q" with "second"
-#    And I press "Search"
-#    Then I should see "second_family"
-#    And I should not see "first_family"
-#    And I should not see "third_family"
-#    When I fill in "q" with "nomatch"
-#    And I press "Search"
-#    Then I should not see "first_family"
-#    And I should not see "second_family"
-#    And I should not see "third_family"
-#    When I fill in "q" with ""
-#    And I press "Search"
-#    Then I should see "first_family"
-#    And I should see "second_family"
-#    And I should see "third_family"
   Scenario: Add provider account to pool family
-    Given I am an authorised user
-    And I am logged in
-    And there is a pool family named "testpoolfamily"
+    Given there is a pool family named "testpoolfamily"
     And there is a provider named "testprovider"
     And there is a provider account named "testaccount"
     And I am on the pool family provider accounts page
@@ -114,9 +71,7 @@ Feature: Pool Families
     And I should see "testaccount"
   Scenario: Remove provider account from pool family
-    Given I am an authorised user
-    And I am logged in
-    And there is a pool family named "testpoolfamily"
+    Given there is a pool family named "testpoolfamily"
     And there is a provider named "testprovider"
     And there is a provider account named "testaccount"
     And there is a provider account "testaccount" related to pool family "testpoolfamily"
diff --git a/src/features/unpriveleged_user.feature b/src/features/unpriveleged_user.feature
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cf74668
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/features/unpriveleged_user.feature
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+Feature: Unprivileged user
+  As a user with limited privileges
+  I should not have access to priveleged data
+  Background:
+    And I am a registered user
+    And I am logged in
+  Scenario: List pool families as unprivileged user
+    Given  there is a pool family named "hiddenpoolfamily"
+    And I can view pool family "testpoolfamily"
+    When I go to the pool families page
+    Then I should not see "hiddenpoolfamily"
+    Then I should see "testpoolfamily"

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