[PATCH conductor 0/1] Test fix

Matt Wagner matt.wagner at redhat.com
Thu May 3 17:13:14 UTC 2012

I'm surprised this test wasn't failing more widely. This method was including 1-9 as integers, rather than strings. If you append an integer to a string, Ruby takes it as an ASCII value. Since they were just single digits, it's all nasty stuff -- and 8 is a backspace. As best as I can tell, that is the reason that this method, called with a length of 101, was sometimes returning strings shorter than 100 characters.

I started to fix this method to just do '1'..'9' instead of 1..9, but Jay pointed out that there is no reason we actually need to generate random strings each time. So rather than trying to fix some complicated code, I just cut it down to do only what's required.

-- Matt

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