[PATCH 2/5] RM 3145 added logs controller

Tzu-Mainn Chen tzumainn at redhat.com
Thu May 3 14:52:02 UTC 2012

 src/app/controllers/logs_controller.rb |  124 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 files changed, 124 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 src/app/controllers/logs_controller.rb

diff --git a/src/app/controllers/logs_controller.rb b/src/app/controllers/logs_controller.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..acc0fe4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/app/controllers/logs_controller.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,124 @@
+#   Copyright 2012 Red Hat, Inc.
+#   Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+#   you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+#   You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#       http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+#   Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+#   distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+#   WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+#   See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+#   limitations under the License.
+class LogsController < ApplicationController
+  before_filter :require_user
+  def index
+    clear_breadcrumbs
+    save_breadcrumb(logs_path)
+    load_headers
+    load_options
+    load_logs
+    respond_to do |format|
+      format.html
+    end
+  end
+  def filter
+    redirect_to_original({"source_type" => params[:source_type], "pool_select" => params[:pool_select], "provider_select" => params[:provider_select], "owner_id" => params[:owner_id], "state" => params[:state]})
+  end
+  protected
+  def load_logs
+    @source_type = params[:source_type].nil? ? "" : params[:source_type]
+    @pool_select = params[:pool_select].nil? ? "" : params[:pool_select]
+    @provider_select = params[:provider_select].nil? ? "" : params[:provider_select]
+    @owner_id = params[:owner_id].nil? ? "" : params[:owner_id]
+    @state = params[:state].nil? ? "" : params[:state]
+    conditions = []
+    if @source_type.present?
+      conditions += ["source_type = ?", @source_type]
+    end
+    @events = Event.unscoped.find(:all,
+                             :include => {:source => [:pool_family, :pool, :owner]},
+                             :conditions => conditions
+                             )
+    deployments = Deployment.unscoped.list_for_user(current_user, Privilege::VIEW)
+    instances = Instance.unscoped.list_for_user(current_user, Privilege::VIEW)
+    @events = @events.find_all{|event|
+      source_class = event.source.class.name
+      # permission checks
+      next if source_class == "Deployment" and !deployments.include?(event.source)
+      next if source_class == "Instance" and !instances.include?(event.source)
+      # filter by user
+      next if @owner_id.present? && event.source.owner_id.to_s != @owner_id
+      # filter by state
+      if @state.present?
+        event_state = (source_class == "Deployment" ? event.source.status.to_s : event.source.state)
+        next if event_state != @state
+      end
+      # filter by pool
+      if @pool_select.present?
+        pool_option, pool_option_id = @pool_select.split(":")
+        next if pool_option == "pool_family" && event.source.pool_family_id.to_s != pool_option_id
+        next if pool_option == "pool" && event.source.pool_id.to_s != pool_option_id
+      end
+      # filter by provider
+      if @provider_select.present?
+        event_provider_account = event.source.provider_account
+        next if event_provider_account.nil?
+        provider_option, provider_option_id = @provider_select.split(":")
+        next if provider_option == "provider" && event.source.provider_account.provider.id.to_s != provider_option_id
+        next if provider_option == "provider_account" && event.source.provider_account.id.to_s != provider_option_id
+      end
+      true
+    }
+    @paginated_events = paginate_collection(@events, params[:page], PER_PAGE)
+  end
+  def load_options
+    @source_type_options = [[t('logs.options.default_event_types'), ""], t('logs.options.deployment_event_type'), t('logs.options.instance_event_type')]
+    @state_options = [[t('logs.options.default_states'), ""]] + Instance::STATES
+    @pool_options = [[t('logs.options.default_pools'), ""]]
+    PoolFamily.find(:all, :include => :pools, :order => "name", :select => ["id", "name"]).each do |pool_family|
+      @pool_options << [pool_family.name, "pool_family:" + pool_family.id.to_s]
+      @pool_options += pool_family.pools.map{|x| [" -- " + x.name, "pool:" + x.id.to_s]}
+    end
+    @provider_options = [[t('logs.options.default_providers'), ""]]
+    Provider.find(:all, :include => :provider_accounts, :order => "name", :select => ["id", "name"]).each do |provider|
+      @provider_options << [provider.name, "provider:" + provider.id.to_s]
+      @provider_options += provider.provider_accounts.map{|x| [" -- " + x.name, "provider_account:" + x.id.to_s]}
+    end
+    @owner_options = [[t('logs.options.default_users'), ""]] + User.find(:all, :order => "login", :select => ["id", "login"]).map{|x| [x.login, x.id]}
+  end
+  def load_headers
+    @header = [
+      { :name => t('logs.index.event_time'), :sortable => false },
+      { :name => t('logs.index.deployment'), :sortable => false },
+      { :name => t('logs.index.state'), :sortable => false },
+      { :name => t('logs.index.pool'), :sortable => false },
+      { :name => t('logs.index.provider'), :sortable => false },
+      { :name => t('logs.index.owner'), :sortable => false },
+      { :name => t('logs.index.summary'), :sortable => false },
+      { :name => "", :sortable => false },
+    ]
+  end

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