Added deployment state

Jozef Zigmund jzigmund at
Thu May 3 14:15:03 UTC 2012

On Wednesday 25 April 2012 14:54:58 jprovazn at wrote:
> Hi,
> this patchset adds deployment state attribute. This attribute will be used
> for tracking deployment's state which will be needed especially for doing
> rollback when launching a deployment. It also replaces 'status' method
> which computed deployment's state from states of all instances.
> This patchset introduces state transitions (IOW now it's not possible to
> change deployment's state from 'running' to 'pending' or from 'stopped' to
> 'shutting down'). deployment's state is now mostly changed on a user's
> action (e.g. a user clicks stop button -> state is changed to 'shutting
> down'), though some transitions are done automatically ('pending' ->
> 'running', 'shutting down' -> 'stopped', all rollback state transitions
> will be automatic too).
> Drawback of setting state when an action is performed is that deployment's
> state may not describe real state of all instances properly, for example if
> a deployment is running and all instances are suddenly changed to 'stopped'
> (from outside of conductor), then deployment's state will be 'incomplete'
> until a user stops/deletes the deployment from conductor.
> Which reminds me I've added another deployment state: 'incomplete', this
> state is used when a deployment is running and then some (or all) instances
> unexpectedly change state (wiki page Robust_instance_launching is updated
> too).

ACK. Everything work fine, tests are green(one inline note in new spec examples 

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