centos error

Jason Guiditta jguiditt at redhat.com
Thu May 3 14:02:42 UTC 2012

On 03/05/12 15:53 +0200, Pieter Baele wrote:
>On a new CentOS 6.2 system, I've this error when running
>aeolus-configure (-d -v)
>[root at lablxcm01 ~]# aeolus-configure -d -v
>Launching aeolus configuration recipe...
>info: Loading facts in
>Could not find class aeolus::conductor for lablxcm01.example.org on
>node lablxcm01.example.org
>Regards, PieterB

Could you please provide us with the version of aeolus components you
are using ('rpm -qa |grep aeolus' should be a good start), and where
you got these rpms from?


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