[PATCH conductor 0/1] #803647 - Error during pool creation

Matt Wagner matt.wagner at redhat.com
Mon Mar 19 18:11:58 UTC 2012

Currently if you attempt to create a new pool but hit a validation error (for example, because you use a non-unique name), we end up throwing an exception on subsequent attempts to submit the form, because pool_family_id is nil (because we never passed it in).

It looks like we were disabling the dropdown in this condition, to disallow you from changing the pool family. It appears that this might be a deliberate decision, so I just added a hidden form field to make things work. An alternative solution would be to set up @pool_families in the controller, in which case the dropdown would resume functioning. But it seems like we don't want users to change it here, so I went about it this way.

-- Matt

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