iwhd-1.3 released [stable]

Jim Meyering jim at meyering.net
Fri Mar 2 11:16:30 UTC 2012

Not much has changed in iwhd per se, but due to e.g., changes
in mongod, some tests in iwhd-1.2's regression suite were failing.
Now they pass.  Also, Pete Zaitcev documented some of the inner workings.
For a little more detail, see NEWS below.

Here are the compressed sources and a GPG detached signature[*]:

[*] Use a .sig file to verify that the corresponding file (without the
.sig suffix) is intact.  First, be sure to download both the .sig file
and the corresponding tarball.  Then, run a command like this:

  gpg --verify iwhd-1.3.tar.xz.sig

If that command fails because you don't have the required public key,
then run this command to import it:

  gpg --keyserver keys.gnupg.net --recv-keys 7FD9FCCB000BEEEE

and rerun the 'gpg --verify' command.

This release was bootstrapped with the following tools:
  Autoconf 2.68b.1-36a2
  Automake 1.11a
  Gnulib v0.0-6925-g9fa1fde


* Noteworthy changes in release 1.3 (2012-03-02) [stable]

** Changes in behavior

  iwhd --auto (-a) now uses mongod's --nojournal option when possible

** Infrastructure

  Translations now come from the translationproject.org, rather than
  from transifex.

  Build-related fixes and portability improvements via gnulib.
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URL: <https://lists.fedorahosted.org/pipermail/aeolus-devel/attachments/20120302/1872c060/attachment.sig>

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