rubygem-activemodel RPM for RHEL6 in a public repo?

Mark Lamourine markllama at
Fri Jun 1 14:02:16 UTC 2012

I'm working on adding RHEL6 specific elements to the Openshift Origin Build Your Own wiki page.  I'm stuck trying to install stickshift-common.  It wants rubygem-activemodel, but I can't seem to find that RPM anywhere in the public repos.

I have rhel 6 server, rhel-x86_64-server-optional-6 channel and epel repos configured.

I tried the Fedora-ruby repo but that's F16 stuff and doesn't include rubygem-activemodel either.

The only place I can find it is in the private li repo.

Am I missing something?

- Mark

Mark Lamourine <markllama at>
Sr. Software Developer, Cloud Engineering
Red Hat, 314 Littleton Road, Westford MA 01886
Voice: +1 978 392 1093
markllama @ irc://*lopsa

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