Katello-Foreman-Aeolus Integration

Chris Alfonso calfonso at redhat.com
Wed Jun 27 12:07:10 UTC 2012

On 27/06/12 09:18 +0300, Ohad Levy wrote:
>On 06/26/2012 10:11 PM, Chris Alfonso wrote:
>>There has been a bit of discussion going on around how we might go about
>>using foreman's ability to do host provisioning with aeolus and katello.
>>I've published some of the notes from the discussions here:
>>The suggested end goal of this integration is:
>>1) Allow Katello to clone content, create a snapshot of the content
>>(Content View).
>>2) Generate the data needed for an Oz template and store it with the
>>Foreman HostGroups.
>>3) Allow Aeolus to provision guests *and* be able to use the Foreman
>>capabilities around post-boot configuration.
>>If there are additional goals to this integration that I've overlooked
>>and you know about them, please respond with your intel. Take a look at
>>the use cases, and feel free to annotate or reply to this thread.
>One major difference, is the ability to manage the system in the long 
>term as well, so its not really just about launching it, rather 
>managing its configuration for the whole system life cycle.
>other side benefits, is to manage stuff you need in your enterprise 
>but dont need on a common cloud, things like ip address management, 
>dns, dhcp, automation of puppet certificates, status 
>reporting,inventory auditing etc.
These are core foreman capabilities offered in the latest code base and not necessarily features that will be integrated with katello or conductor. In other words, a user would go directly to foreman to manage these features, correct?
- Chris
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