Data safety for our Fedora releases... :)

Justin Clift jclift at
Wed Jun 20 15:52:00 UTC 2012

On 21/06/2012, at 1:32 AM, John Eckersberg wrote:
> I tend towards (a), given the Fedora Updates Policy:
> More specifically, from
> " 
> ... we should avoid major updates of packages within a stable
> release. Updates should aim to fix bugs, and not introduce features,
> particularly when those features would materially affect the user or
> developer experience. The update rate for any given release should drop
> off over time, approaching zero near release end-of-life; since updates
> are primarily bugfixes, fewer and fewer should be needed over time.
> This necessarily means that stable releases will not closely track the
> very latest upstream code for all packages. We have rawhide for that.
> "

Another good data point.  Looks like Aeolus 0.10.2 will be the latest
release on F16 then (barring bug fixes).

F17 I'm not sure about right now, as I'm not really sure if 0.10.2 properly
works on F17 yet. ;)

+ Justin

Aeolus Community Manager

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