End of Sprint code check-in deadline approaches

Justin Clift jclift at redhat.com
Wed Jun 20 00:50:41 UTC 2012

On 20/06/2012, at 7:50 AM, Chris Wright wrote:
>> 2. As part of the _next_ sprint, package up the release from the
>> previous sprint for whatever distros we wish to have packages for.
>> What actually makes it into those distros is entirely different than
>> what is released upstream, and is a separate conversation entirely,
>> imo.  For instance, whether to only do bugfix release for a given
>> version of fedora, or to always push the latest aeolus release - this
>> decision is unrelated to the upstream release schedule.

Interesting idea, and worth trying out.

From my - end user focused :> - point of view, it's not practical to
have a single day to manually (!) test everything, just in order to make sure
stuff still works.  Might be able to pull that off occasionally, but not

Especially not if there are new features to learn about in order to test,
and I need to stand up a new environment to test in.  (ie oVirt 3.0 *and*
oVirt 3.1 *and* vSphere) etc.

With the above decoupling suggestion, that makes me less worried.  :)

And if there are too many bugs in a particular upstream "release" snapshot,
we could potentially just skip packaging one for whatever channel and
wait the 3 weeks until the next one.  (just an idea) :>

> I'm curious, why tie any packaging effort into upstream sprints at all?

Historical.  Had to start with some kind of process, looks like it's time
to adjust...  ;)

+ Justin

Aeolus Community Manager

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