Aeolus Papercuts

Michael Orazi morazi at
Fri Jun 15 17:16:23 UTC 2012

----- Original Message -----
> On 12/06/2012, at 4:51 AM, Matt Wagner wrote:
> > I hope I'm not opening _too_ big a can of worms here, but I was
> > just
> > thinking about a handful of things in Aeolus that really annoy me,
> > yet
> > would probably be pretty easy to fix.
> > 
> > Here's what's on my mind. Please feel free to share your own:
> 3) We still require people to manually remove created images, through
>    each Cloud providers own interface.
> We want to tell people "Aeolus -> Easy to use" and "Aeolus -> Better
> than
> having to learn tools from multiple vendors".
> But in it's present form, it's not.
> Extremely frustrating.
> I *think* this is the last big fundamental piece that needs to taken
> care
> of.  (It's the one that I hit constantly anyway.  Would hate to be an
> admin looking after images developed by bunches of users.)

With regards to the particular idea of delete on the provider, I was having a similar conversation with Ian McCleod (cc:ed).  I am of the mind that this is precisely the type of thing we shoudl move forward with, but I believe there are some timing concerns in terms of when it can get done + there are some transactional issues that need considering -- so it might align considerably better with the efforts currently underway regarding the newer style imagefactory interface and the rails engine image work that Martyn is currently taking on. 

> Would anyone object to our dedicating an entire sprint to making
> Aeolus
> practical for users?  Fixing the kind of things like the above, and
> what
> Matt suggests?
> Regards and best wishes,
> Justin Clift
> --
> Aeolus Community Manager

I think user generated stories like this are a great idea and really, I think everyone is all for seeing a bunch of stories coming in directly from members of development & members of the user community.  

Keep the ideas coming!


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