Aeolus Papercuts

Justin Clift jclift at
Tue Jun 12 04:41:18 UTC 2012

On 12/06/2012, at 4:51 AM, Matt Wagner wrote:
> I hope I'm not opening _too_ big a can of worms here, but I was just
> thinking about a handful of things in Aeolus that really annoy me, yet
> would probably be pretty easy to fix.
> Here's what's on my mind. Please feel free to share your own:

3) We still require people to manually remove created images, through
   each Cloud providers own interface.

We want to tell people "Aeolus -> Easy to use" and "Aeolus -> Better than
having to learn tools from multiple vendors".

But in it's present form, it's not.

Extremely frustrating.

I *think* this is the last big fundamental piece that needs to taken care
of.  (It's the one that I hit constantly anyway.  Would hate to be an
admin looking after images developed by bunches of users.)

Would anyone object to our dedicating an entire sprint to making Aeolus
practical for users?  Fixing the kind of things like the above, and what
Matt suggests?

Regards and best wishes,

Justin Clift

Aeolus Community Manager

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