ACA Side Topic - Proposal:

Matt Wagner matt.wagner at
Fri Jun 8 12:59:43 UTC 2012

On Fri, Jun 08, 2012 at 06:21:41AM -0400, Andrew Fitzsimon wrote:
> >>> Some thoughts:
> >>> Firstly; there is a serious financial cost to hosting something like
> >>> this which is probably why we aren't attempting it.
> >> 
> >> True, it does come down to the $$$, but if it's in the name of building Aeolus' reputation and enhancing the community, I'd consider it more of an investment than a cost. Plus, this feeds into my next point...

If we just distributed the _templates_, versus built images, I'd expect
the bandwidth costs to be minimal. Download the template, customize to
your liking, and build!

(The other advantage of doing that is that we don't have to worry about
updates -- if your template points to the packages in appropriate repos,
once you build it, you'd have the latest.)

> >>> Secondly; It's actually an excellent idea to bring other open source
> >>> projects and software products in on our development process (as
> >>> stakeholders) and it would give us boatloads of handy analytical
> >>> metrics for what customers are seeking / what aspects they are
> >>> utilising….
> >> 
> >> Exactly. I'd like to eventually see cross-overs with other communities/organizations in terms of:
> >> 
> >> 1. Linux groups (Fedora, Ubuntu, Mint, Arch, etc) release basic image template types for Aeolus
> >> 
> >> 2. Open source projects release image and deployable templates for their applications. For example, CMS groups release deployables for basic Drupal, Joomla, Wordpress, etc installs

Slightly random, but this also makes me think... A ton of templates for
those things already exist in Amazon's marketplace. We could perhaps
link to them to allow import? (But then it's EC2-only.)

Dan, overall, I'm loving this idea! I think it might need a little bit
of thinking on how to make it work technically, but it's an awesome

-- Matt

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