Aeolus Community Assessment

Jan Provazník jprovazn at
Thu Jun 7 18:32:04 UTC 2012

On 06/07/2012 08:44 AM, Jan Provaznik wrote:
> What I don't agree with is doing some architecture changes because of
> hoping we attract some ppl. First, I'm not convinced that the Aeolus
> would become simpler and second I don't believe this is a blocker. I
> would say that most people don't even get to this level (where they look
> at Aeolus architecture). True is that some architecture changes
> mentioned in your list are already happening as mentioned in other replies.

I should probably clarify my opinion about conductor's architecture and 
I'm not saying that current architecture is perfect and I bet we will 
change it sooner or later. What I meant is that the fact there is no 
community around this project is not a reason for starting architecture 

If we convince people to at least try this app, then there could be some 
feedback from them and they can tell us what they don't like so redesign 
can be done based on this feedback then.


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