Aeolus Community Assessment

Scott Seago sseago at
Thu Jun 7 18:29:56 UTC 2012

On 06/07/2012 12:49 PM, Mark McLoughlin wrote:
> On Wed, 2012-06-06 at 11:47 -0400, Jason Guiditta wrote:
>> We also have in the incubator[1] the new rails engine that acts as a
>> reusable client for factory
>> [1]
> Am I roughly correct in saying that this is?
>    - An image registry API which exposes the mapping of an image
>      identifier to cloud provider specific images, perhaps also tracking
>      multiple versions/builds of an image
> Your "client for factory" description makes it sound like you can submit
> a build request through image-management-service, but I don't see that
> in the code?
One thing -- the 'engine' name here may be confusing people again. this 
is not a separately-running service like 'system engine' or 'cloud 
engine' but a "rails engine" -- essentially a plugin. When we use the 
image management engine as part of conductor, it's pulled into the 
conductor application - we integrate with its model so we get 
fully-integrated permissions, internal database assocaitions among 
resources, etc.

But, since it's a separate rails engine, some other application or 
client can also incorporate the codebase and interact with factory for 
non-conductor use cases. However, I don't imagine you'd be able to spawn 
off a separate "standalone" image management service to interact with 
the _same_ dataset as that managed by a conductor instance, since when 
it's pulled into conductor the image-management-engine model will be 
extended with conductor-specific things, such as permissions, 
connections with conductor environments, etc.
> Whatever ... this kind of effort is exactly the way to be moving
> forward. Kudos to you and Martyn.
> One suggestion I'd make for this would be to concentrate 100% on a nice
> API and CLI for it. Make it easy to integrate with it. Make it so you
> can go and promote this and image factory together completely
> independent of conductor and all the rest.
But, yes, this last part is the goal, as I mentioned above.

Going back to some of the original points about splitting up conductor 
into something less monolithic and more consumable by other users, I 
think the model here with the image management engine may be a better 
one to follow than the idea of trying to shoehorn it all into deltacloud 
modules/plugins. Otherwise we run the risk of deltacloud itself being 
overcomplicated and obscuring its stated purpose.

I guess my issue is if we're going to have a place where we're plugging 
in separate smaller components that work together for something larger, 
it seems that the conductor side would be the logical starting point, 
since 1) that's where we already have this sort of functionality and 2) 
most of the things we're discussing doing here seem to have a lot more 
to do with the overall goals of the aeolus project than they are to the 
conductor project.

Also, if we take conductor as the starting point, it's actually possible 
to get to the end goal by little steps, so we don't have a long period 
of breakage/destabilization where we come out at the end with fewer 
things than we started with (even if they are better designed).

So conductor includes several features that we'd like to separate into 
smaller chunks that can be used independently. In all cases, once we 
identify something to separate, we need to decide whether it's being 
separated into a completely separate service/process that will (in the 
fully-integrated use case) communicate with conductor via API, or 
whether it will be more of a plugin which (again in the fully-integrated 
use case) will be more of a callable library (possibly even extended) 
within the conductor rails application.

Among these features:
1) image authoring and building service (already separated as imagefactory)
2) image management component (originally separated as iwhd, being 
rewritten as a plugin (image-management-engine)
3) multi-instance deployment with service configuration, dependency 
handling, etc
4) cross-cloud launching (i.e. take a user request to launch something; 
figure out where to place it based on resource availability and other 
business logic)
(and possibly more)

 From the other replies to the thread I've seen various proposals that 
essentially amounted to trying to take either 3) or 4) out and make it a 
deltacloud plugin. I would suggest we start on the other side -- again 
largely to allow incremental progress and to avoid a big de-stabilizing 
massive integration which would inevitably result from a ground-up 
rewrite. Basically we'd pick 3) or 4) and rewrite the existing 
functionality using a rails engine. Create something self-contained that 
would work on its own, but would still lend itself to a fully-integrated 
conductor application much like we have now -- but with two separate 
(smaller) codebases, one of which can be used independently of the 
other. If there's something that conductor uses internally now that we 
_also_ need as a deltacloud plugin, that could be done too -- but again 
I'd say we should _start_ by making the conductor component pluggable, 
and then refactor the plugin such that it could be used in both 
deltacloud _and_ conductor.

Most important in the above is that we avoid a ground-up rewrite all at 
once. We take individual bits that already work in conductor and 
refactor them to create a pluggable component and (possibly in some 
cases) refactor to the point it can be used by deltacloud as well -- but 
if we go the other way (starting with a new deltacloud plugin for 
something that wasn't done in deltacloud before), then the integration 
effort on the conductor side will be much more difficult.


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