EC2 account credentials "going missing" (kind of)

Matt Wagner matt.wagner at
Fri Jun 1 18:59:55 UTC 2012

Hi Justin,

On Fri, Jun 01, 2012 at 11:31:29AM +1000, Justin Clift wrote:
> Hi Mike,
> Brain dumped this info into IRC, but figured it's better to put in email and
> CC the team for useful reference.
> Apologies for the formatting, I'm being lazy. ;)
>   jclift: The other thing which I saw in the "latest" (at the time) rpms the other day, was EC2 account information going missing.
>   jclift: So, I'd put in working EC2 account credentials for say US West 1, US West 2, and whatever else.
>   jclift: All the same details, just different EC2 regions.
>   jclift: However, after the 2nd one is entered (ie US West 2 after putting in US West 1), it would no longer show up.
>   jclift: The "Accounts" tab for a provider would show "1", indicating it's there.

To be clear -- these are two separate providers, and the intention (if
this bug weren't happening) would be for each of them to have one
provider account (which happened to be the same)? Versus trying to add
multiple provider accounts on one provider?

>   jclift: But, the list of accounts shown would always be empty.
>   jclift: Initially thought it was a server side thing... but it doesn't appear to be.
>   jclift: It _only_ happens for Chrome.
>   jclift: And even there, it only happens for https.
>   jclift: Moved the port from https to http (via mucking around with the apache config), and voila... it worked for Chrome.
>   jclift: Wasn't sure if this is a known bug or not.

I haven't heard of this before, but it sounds suspiciously like some
sort of AJAXy bug. If no one beats me to it, I'll take a look at home
where I have Chrome installed. (I don't have the Google repos set up on
either of my systems in the office and would just as soon keep it that
way.) Alternatively, I recall that some others have had really nutty
issues traced back to Chrome doing something nonsensical with caching,
so it would be good to try it on another system and see if it's
reproduce-able there as well.

>   jclift: Scrolled down the list of open BZ's for CloudForms, and didn't see anything obvious there.
>   jclift: Wasn't sure how to describe the problem though, and didn't want to get distracted, so went with building new rpms myself (this is before finding out that it's a Chrome only bug).
>   jclift: Oh yeah, related data point - it's not caused by a Chrome plugin/extension thing either.  Happened with Chrome even with Adblock and similar turned off.

Apropos to nothing, "Private Browsing Mode" appears to disable all
extensions in addition to not using existing cookies or whatnot. Very
handy for testing.

> Happy to do a very quick screen recording showing it going wrong, if
> anyone's interested.
> I just don't want to make the screen recording *publicly available*
> though, because it'll have my full account details/credentials in it.
> (massive bills from third parties not welcome ;>)

I imagine that it's just a case of a developer having to spend a little
time comparing what Chrome sends vs. what Firefox sends, versus needing
a video.

-- Matt

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