Aeolus jekyll website?

Francesco Vollero fvollero at
Thu Aug 23 20:56:03 UTC 2012

Hi Justin, 

Sorry for the late reply but i'm in PTO :) 

Is on aeolus-incubator because is an on testing possible solution.
Well, there is no need for jekyll installed, since we want to
be hosted by Github there's no need for having jekyll on our side.

Maybe can be useful for development session in 2 two steps:

1) gem install jekyll
2) cd on the cloned repo and run: jekyll --server --auto

that's it.

Btw, the workflow for upgrading the website gonna be more easy: 
If you're a member of Aeolus you can be able to modify the content
and commit and github will automagically (after 10-15 seconds) build
the content for you.

You're not a member, you've to run a pull request.
Also, you can modify and run a pull request for it ;) "Collaboration works"


----- Original Message -----
From: "Justin Clift" <jclift at>
To: "Francesco Vollero" <fvollero at>
Cc: aeolus-devel at
Sent: Thursday, August 23, 2012 12:07:53 PM
Subject: Aeolus jekyll website?

Hi Francesco,

Is this the right source location for the new jekyll
based website?

If so, the README needs to include steps for building
the site after cloning the repo.  i.e.:

   $ some jekyll commands ?

Imagine a new user (ie me) knows how to clone stuff,
but has no idea what steps are next to actually
make the site, before attempting any changes themselves.

You ok to update it?

Regards and best wishes,

Justin Clift

Aeolus Community Manager

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