[PATCH aeolus-image 1/1] Compatibility with ActiveResource >= 3.1

Jason Guiditta jguiditt at redhat.com
Wed Aug 22 20:55:03 UTC 2012

On 22/08/12 13:40 +0200, jstransk at redhat.com wrote:
>From: Jiri Stransky <jstransk at redhat.com>
>This makes aeolus-image compatible with ActiveResource 3.1 and
>higher while maintaining compatibility with ActiveResource 3.0.
>This patch ensures that when an Aeolus::Image::Factory::* resource is
>created with :id key set in hash of parameters passed into the
>constructor, ActiveResource treats it like it's an existing record, not
>a one to be newly created.  When calling #save on such resource
>instance, ActiveResource makes a PUT request (this is how it was with
>ARes 3.0 and it's the behavior expected by ImageFactory) instead of a
>POST request, which would be made if the resource was treated as newly

ACK, pushed, looks good!


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