Image Management Engine Name Suggestions

Jason Guiditta jguiditt at
Fri Aug 17 18:16:55 UTC 2012

On 17/08/12 12:19 -0400, Hugh Brock wrote:
>On Fri, Aug 17, 2012 at 04:55:24PM +0100, Martyn Taylor wrote:
>> Gentlemen,
>> To follow rubygem tradition we have decided to come up with a more
>> catchy name for Image Management Engine.  Because, well, Image
>> Management Engine is pretty dull.  This task is harder than it
>> seems.  It turns out the creative side of my mind has been locked
>> away in a little box.  I'm hoping one day I'll find the key, but
>> right now it's looking grim so I'm relying on you guys for
>> inspiration :)
>> We're open to all suggestions wackier the more memorable :).  One
>> thing we would like is do is keep in with the Cloud or Conductor
>> theme.
>> Any ideas?
>Image management engine is the API for Factory and the data structures
>associated with images and templates, right?
>Factory wraps Oz. Oz is (I believe) so named because it operates in an
>imaginary land (the virtual machine). You get to Oz via Kansas. So, you
>could call the thing Kansas... or maybe more poetically, "tornado" or
How about dorothy, since she didn't know what she was getting into?
Or toto for that matter?  Or perhaps some obscure character few would
know? Hugh, I'll rely on you for that part, you always force me to
google your references.

>Or if you wanted to be off the wall you could just call it "Winged
>Monkey" and let people ask.
howler? (kind of monkey, could be a theme...)

>I thought of "Emerald City" too, but I'm not sure exactly how that
>relates, other than that the Emerald City has gates, and the IME is kind
>of a gateway to Oz in a sense.
>This is such fun...
To add to the fun, I have a bunch of whacky general ideas to throw out
there, and a few specific ones.

* Kinds of clowns (or names, bozo, biny, etc) - how fitting would that
* Fish, starting with halibut, of course.
* Roundhouse, to go with the train/conductor theme
* Something about a loading dock, to go with factory theme
* Coco-slug - (coco=CrOssClOud, slug = similar chunk naming to heroku
   and openshift), take off of coco-puffs, could be a whole cereal
* Something about an airport (another possible theme), hanger,
   airtower, hugh probably has more than I do here..
* Vaporware! (we should have used this from the beginning..)

>== Hugh Brock, hbrock at                                   ==
>== Engineering Manager, Cloud BU                                   ==
>== Aeolus Project: Manage virtual infrastructure across clouds.    ==
>==                                        ==
>"I know that you believe you understand what you think I said, but I’m
>not sure you realize that what you heard is not what I meant."
>--Robert McCloskey

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