[PATCH conductor, rev1] aeolus-upgrade enhances upgrade process

Jason Guiditta jguiditt at redhat.com
Wed Aug 15 21:41:54 UTC 2012

On 15/08/12 16:18 -0500, Steve Linabery wrote:
>Brought in and refactored katello-upgrade[1] to more closely follow their
>system of handling upgrades.
>This script and associate files provide us with:
>1) better logging of upgrade process (previously limited to watching stdout)
>2) history of what upgrade scripts have been applied
>3) directory where we can drop incremental upgrade scripts for
>   more modular upgrade control.
>4) requires user to stop services manually or use --auto-stop option, thus
>   avoiding unintentional data loss in currently running services
>[1] https://github.com/Katello/katello/blob/master/puppet/bin/katello-upgrade

ACK and pushed to master, this appears to work as advertised.  Just a
couple minor thoughts covering what we discussed:

1) I think in a future version, it would be nice to have this be a
path-findable executable.

2) -h give some crazy blank lines at the end, we shoudl probably clean
that up later

3) the output from -d is not as clear as it shoudl be that the above
steps were _not_ taken, but rather that they _would_ have been taken
had you not requested a dry run.

Minor thoughts aside, great work, this is a vast improvement over what
we have had to this point. Also nice to see logged output and the list
of run upgrades that are output.


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