RFC: Notification system

Scott Seago sseago at redhat.com
Tue Aug 14 16:29:44 UTC 2012

On 08/14/2012 10:45 AM, Jaromír Coufal wrote:
>> I don't have any objection, but I find myself wondering if approval
>> requests belong in the same place as notifications or not. They probably
>> do and I'm just slow to wrap my mind around it.
> As I see it now, it doesn't have to necessarily be only approvals, but 
> in general they are questions which need my (user's) attention.
> But I might have been wrong. The best way how to figure it out is from 
> some use-cases.  I was just thinking what information user needs to 
> notified about (what happened in the system)? And regarding types I 
> found these three groups:
>    "!" - something went wrong (typically errors)
>    "." - something happened and doesn't need my full attention 
> (usually success or some neutral action)
>    "?" - something can't continue without my interaction/decision 
> (usually approval)
> Do you find any other cases?
The thing with approvals -- certainly the ones where we're talking about 
adding 'launch with approval' functionality -- is that they could 
potentially be acted on by more than one person. I'd actually suggest 
that the 'approval' itself is not a notification, but some other new 
kind of action, but any user who has a new 'approval request' might get 
a notification that there's an approval request (and a URL associated w/ 
the notification to act). That way if there are 3 approvers, they all 
get (regular) notifications -- once the thing is approved, the other 
approvers get follow up notifications that the launch either has or has 
not occurred.

For the launch with approval case, in reality the approval object may be 
the deployment itself -- which exists as a regular deployment in the 
'pending_approval' state, so the regular deployment 'show' view will 
have some obvious approve/deny action links when visited by someone with 
approval rights.
>> I kind of like the way Facebook does this, where notifications stick
>> around in the list but are no longer bold / called out in a number.
> Yes, this is the way I like too - highlighting new notifications and 
> old one still keep in list. Seeing notification dismisses it (except 
> the ones which need my interaction, for these an answer dismisses them).
>> Speaking of which:http://tommoor.github.com/tinycon/  is nifty.
> This looks cool and handy, thanks for bringing it out! :)
> -- Jarda
> -- 
> Jaromír Coufal
> Interaction Designer
> Red Hat Czech s.r.o.
> Mobile: +420 724 595 508
> E-mail:jcoufal at redhat.com
> IRC: jcoufal at #cloudforms-ui, #aeolus, #brno

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