[PATCH conductor] pools api - create, show, and update endpoints - under RM 3542

Richard Su rwsu at redhat.com
Tue Aug 14 16:08:01 UTC 2012


Updated controller to also render xml. Created specs to convert xml
into hash params and then to post the hash params to the controller
and verify xml responses.
 src/app/controllers/pools_controller.rb       |   15 +++
 src/app/views/pools/_detail.xml.haml          |    6 +
 src/app/views/pools/show.xml.haml             |    2 +
 src/config/routes.rb                          |    1 +
 src/spec/controllers/pools_controller_spec.rb |  159 +++++++++++++++++++++++++
 5 files changed, 183 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 src/app/views/pools/_detail.xml.haml
 create mode 100644 src/app/views/pools/show.xml.haml

diff --git a/src/app/controllers/pools_controller.rb b/src/app/controllers/pools_controller.rb
index 0668217..931d25d 100644
--- a/src/app/controllers/pools_controller.rb
+++ b/src/app/controllers/pools_controller.rb
@@ -166,6 +166,7 @@ class PoolsController < ApplicationController
           map{ |deployment| view_context.deployment_for_mustache(deployment) }
         render :json => @pool.as_json.merge({:deployments => deployments})
+      format.xml { render :show, :locals => { :pool => @pool } }
@@ -186,6 +187,11 @@ class PoolsController < ApplicationController
   def create
     @title = t('pools.create_new_pool')
+    if !params.has_key? :quota and !params[:pool][:quota].nil?
+      params[:quota] = params[:pool][:quota]
+      params[:pool].delete(:quota)
+    end
     @pool = Pool.new(params[:pool])
     require_privilege(Privilege::CREATE, Pool, @pool.pool_family)
     @pool.quota = @quota = Quota.new
@@ -197,11 +203,14 @@ class PoolsController < ApplicationController
         flash[:notice] = t "pools.flash.notice.added"
         format.html { redirect_to pools_path }
         format.json { render :json => @pool, :status => :created }
+        format.xml {render :show, :locals => { :pool => @pool }
+        }
         flash.now[:warning] = t "pools.flash.warning.creation_failed"
         format.html { render :new }
         format.js { render :partial => 'new' }
         format.json { render :json => @pool.errors, :status => :unprocessable_entity }
+        format.xml { render :template => 'api/validation_error', :locals => { :errors => @pool.errors }, :status => :bad_request}
@@ -219,6 +228,10 @@ class PoolsController < ApplicationController
   def update
+    if !params.has_key? :quota and !params[:pool][:quota].nil?
+      params[:quota] = params[:pool][:quota]
+      params[:pool].delete(:quota)
+    end
     @pool = Pool.find(params[:id])
     require_privilege(Privilege::MODIFY, @pool)
@@ -230,11 +243,13 @@ class PoolsController < ApplicationController
         format.html { redirect_to :action => 'show', :id => @pool.id }
         format.js { render :partial => 'show', :id => @pool.id }
         format.json { render :json => @pool }
+        format.xml {render :show, :locals => { :pool => @pool } }
         flash[:error] = t "pools.flash.error.not_updated"
         format.html { render :action => :edit }
         format.js { render :partial => 'edit', :id => @pool.id }
         format.json { render :json => @pool.errors, :status => :unprocessable_entity }
+        format.xml { render :template => 'api/validation_error', :locals => { :errors => @pool.errors }, :status => :bad_request}
diff --git a/src/app/views/pools/_detail.xml.haml b/src/app/views/pools/_detail.xml.haml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9214ec0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/app/views/pools/_detail.xml.haml
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+!!! XML
+%pool{:id => pool.id, :url => api_pool_url(pool)}
+  %name= pool.name
+  %pool_family{:id => pool.pool_family.id, :url=> pool_family_url(pool.pool_family)}= pool.pool_family.name
+  %quota= pool.quota.maximum_running_instances
+  %enabled= pool.enabled
diff --git a/src/app/views/pools/show.xml.haml b/src/app/views/pools/show.xml.haml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..297a082
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/app/views/pools/show.xml.haml
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+!!! XML
+=render 'detail', :pool => pool
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/config/routes.rb b/src/config/routes.rb
index 119d740..8373342 100644
--- a/src/config/routes.rb
+++ b/src/config/routes.rb
@@ -287,6 +287,7 @@ Conductor::Application.routes.draw do
     resources :provider_accounts, :only => [:index, :show, :destroy]
     resources :provider_types, :only => [:index, :show]
     resources :hardware_profiles, :only => [:index, :show, :destroy, :create]
+    resources :pools, :only => [:index, :show, :create, :update]
   #match 'matching_profiles', :to => '/hardware_profiles/matching_profiles/:hardware_profile_id/provider/:provider_id', :controller => 'hardware_profiles', :action => 'matching_profiles', :conditions => { :method => :get }, :as =>'matching_profiles'
diff --git a/src/spec/controllers/pools_controller_spec.rb b/src/spec/controllers/pools_controller_spec.rb
index ba68755..5afc66c 100644
--- a/src/spec/controllers/pools_controller_spec.rb
+++ b/src/spec/controllers/pools_controller_spec.rb
@@ -99,6 +99,165 @@ describe PoolsController do
+  context "API" do
+    render_views
+    before do
+      accept_xml
+      mock_warden(@admin)
+      @test_pool_name = "testpool1"
+      @pool_family = FactoryGirl.create :pool_family
+    end
+    def assert_pool_api_success_response(name, familyName, familyId, quota, enabled)
+      response.should be_success
+      response.should have_content_type("application/xml")
+      response.body.should be_xml
+      xml = Nokogiri::XML(response.body)
+      xml.xpath("/pool/name").text.should == name
+      xml.xpath("/pool/pool_family").text.should == familyName
+      xml.xpath("/pool/pool_family/@id").text.should == "#{familyId}"
+      xml.xpath("/pool/quota").text.should == quota
+      xml.xpath("/pool/enabled").text.should == enabled
+    end
+    describe "#create" do
+      it "post with all expected params" do
+        xmldata = "
+        <pool>
+          <name>#{@test_pool_name}</name>
+          <pool_family_id>#{@pool_family.id}</pool_family_id>
+          <enabled>true</enabled>
+          <quota>
+            <maximum_running_instances>1001</maximum_running_instances>
+          </quota>
+        </pool>"
+        post :create, Hash.from_xml(xmldata)
+        assert_pool_api_success_response(@test_pool_name,
+                                         @pool_family.name,
+                                         @pool_family.id,
+                                         "1001",
+                                         "true")
+      end
+      it "post missing pool family parameter should result in error message" do
+        xmldata = "
+        <pool>
+          <name>#{@test_pool_name}</name>
+          <!--<pool_family_id>#{@pool_family.id}</pool_family_id>-->
+          <enabled>true</enabled>
+          <quota>
+            <maximum_running_instances>1001</maximum_running_instances>
+          </quota>
+        </pool>"
+        post :create, Hash.from_xml(xmldata)
+        response.status.should be_eql(400) # Bad Request
+        response.should have_content_type("application/xml")
+        response.body.should be_xml
+        xml = Nokogiri::XML(response.body)
+        xml.xpath("/errors/error/message").text.should == "Pool family can't be blank"
+      end
+    end
+    describe "#show" do
+      it "show an existing pool" do
+        @pool = FactoryGirl.create :pool
+        get :show, :id => @pool.id
+        assert_pool_api_success_response(@pool.name,
+                                         @pool.pool_family.name,
+                                         @pool.pool_family.id,
+                                         "#{@pool.quota.maximum_running_instances}",
+                                         "#{@pool.enabled}")
+      end
+      it "show a missing pool" do
+        get :show, :id => -1
+        response.status.should be_eql(404)
+        response.should have_content_type("application/xml")
+        response.body.should be_xml
+        xml = Nokogiri::XML(response.body)
+        xml.xpath("/error/message").text.should == "Couldn't find Pool with id=-1"
+      end
+    end
+    describe "#update" do
+      it "update with all expected params" do
+        # we will receive unlimited quota if
+        # maximum_running_instances is not specified
+        # <quota></quota> denotes unlmited quota
+        xmldata = "
+        <pool>
+          <name>#{@test_pool_name}</name>
+          <pool_family_id>#{@pool_family.id}</pool_family_id>
+          <enabled>true</enabled>
+        </pool>"
+        post :create, Hash.from_xml(xmldata)
+        assert_pool_api_success_response(@test_pool_name,
+                                         @pool_family.name,
+                                         @pool_family.id,
+                                         "", #unlimited
+                                         "true")
+        xml = Nokogiri::XML(response.body)
+        pool_id = xml.xpath("/pool/@id").text
+        xmldata = "
+        <pool>
+          <name>pool-updated</name>
+          <pool_family_id>#{@pool_family.id}</pool_family_id>
+          <enabled>false</enabled>
+          <quota>
+            <maximum_running_instances>1002</maximum_running_instances>
+          </quota>
+        </pool>"
+        put :update, :id => pool_id, :pool => Hash.from_xml(xmldata)["pool"]
+        assert_pool_api_success_response("pool-updated",
+                                         @pool_family.name,
+                                         @pool_family.id,
+                                         "1002",
+                                         "false")
+      end
+      it "update missing pool" do
+        xmldata = "<pool><name>missing-pool</name></pool>"
+        put :update, :id => -1, :pool => Hash.from_xml(xmldata)["pool"]
+        response.status.should be_eql(404)
+        response.should have_content_type("application/xml")
+        response.body.should be_xml
+        xml = Nokogiri::XML(response.body)
+        xml.xpath("/error/message").text.should == "Couldn't find Pool with id=-1"
+      end
+      it "update with blank name" do
+        @pool = FactoryGirl.create :pool
+        xmldata = "<pool><name></name></pool>"
+        put :update, :id => @pool.id, :pool => Hash.from_xml(xmldata)["pool"]
+        response.status.should be_eql(400)
+        response.should have_content_type("application/xml")
+        response.body.should be_xml
+        xml = Nokogiri::XML(response.body)
+        xml.xpath("/errors/error/message").text.should == "Name can't be blank"
+      end
+    end
+  end
   context "JSON format responses for " do
     before do

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