Need to add minitest to Gemfile

Jason Guiditta jguiditt at
Tue Aug 14 14:29:25 UTC 2012

On 14/08/12 09:38 +0200, Vít Ondruch wrote:
>Dne 13.8.2012 20:25, Jason Guiditta napsal(a):
>>On 13/08/12 14:11 -0400, Jason Guiditta wrote:
>>>On 11/08/12 09:14 -0400, Hugh Brock wrote:
>>>>On Fri, Aug 10, 2012 at 04:44:34PM +0200, Vít Ondruch wrote:
>>>>>Dne 9.8.2012 19:36, Jason Guiditta napsal(a):
>>>>>>On 09/08/12 09:18 -0700, Crag Wolfe wrote:
>>>>>>>On 08/09/2012 06:46 AM, Jason Guiditta wrote:
>>>>>>>>On 08/08/12 17:22 -0700, Crag Wolfe wrote:
>>>>>>>>>conductor/src/Gemfile currently does not have a dependency for
>>>>>>>>>minitest, but it should. I ran into this while trying 
>>>>>>>>>to run "bundle
>>>>>>>>>exec rake spec" and "bundle exec rake cucumber" in a
>>>>>>>>>bundler-development environment (thanks Richard for 
>>>>>>>>>helping me debug
>>>>>>>>>I'm not certain whether this dependency belongs in the 
>>>>>>>>>top section as
>>>>>>>>>"gem 'minitest' (which works fine for me) or just under "group
>>>>>>>>>:development, :test do"
>>>>>>>>>P.S. Is there a reason we don't have the lists of gems in Gemfile
>>>>>>>>>alphabetized? :-)
>>>>>>>>Where do you see a dep needed on minitest? I have an rvm 
>>>>>>>>gemset with
>>>>>>>>only gems install by bundler (which does not include 
>>>>>>>>minitest), and it
>>>>>>>>seems fine. If we really did need it for some reason, where it
>>>>>>>>goes should be the dev/test block - requiring a test library to run
>>>>>>>>the main app would be madness and a bug to be fixed, imo.
>>>>>>>I am just using Bundler, not rvm.  FWIW, this particular test is
>>>>>>>on FC17.  The error I get is pasted below, the main hint being
>>>>>>>"cannot load such file -- minitest/unit (LoadError)". This
>>>>>>>error goes away when I add minitest to the Gemfile and refresh
>>>>>>>my gems with "bundle install". So, not sure why it is not an
>>>>>>>issue in rvm (is it doing some extra Gem magic?) but clearly
>>>>>>>looks to be an issue just using Bundler.
>>>>>>>$ bundle exec rake cucumber
>>>>>>>===== boot.rb will try and use bundler =========
>>>>>>>===== application.rb will try and use bundler =========
>>>>>>>Failed to load /home/prince/w1/conductor/src/config/oauth.json,
>>>>>>>continuing without OAuth support. Run rake dc:oauth_keys and
>>>>>>>restart Conductor to enable.
>>>>>>>/usr/bin/ruby -S bundle exec cucumber  --profile default
>>>>>>>Using the default profile...
>>>>>>>===== boot.rb will try and use bundler =========
>>>>>>>===== application.rb will try and use bundler =========
>>>>>>>DEPRECATION WARNING: Calling set_table_name is deprecated.
>>>>>>>Please use `self.table_name = 'the_name'` instead. (called from
>>>>>>><top (required)> at /home/prince/w1/conductor/src/
>>>>>>>Failed to load /home/prince/w1/conductor/src/config/oauth.json,
>>>>>>>continuing without OAuth support. Run rake dc:oauth_keys and
>>>>>>>restart Conductor to enable.
>>>>>>>DEPRECATION WARNING: Calling set_table_name is deprecated.
>>>>>>>Please use `self.table_name = 'the_name'` instead. (called from
>>>>>>><class:Quota> at /home/prince/w1/conductor/src/app
>>>>>>>DEPRECATION WARNING: Calling set_primary_key is deprecated.
>>>>>>>Please use `self.primary_key = 'the_name'` instead. (called from
>>>>>>><class:ViewState> at /home/prince/w1/conductor/s
>>>>>>>cannot load such file -- minitest/unit (LoadError)
>>>>>>>`block in require'
>>>>>>Actually, after a quick look, it appears minitest is part of 
>>>>>>ruby 1.9,
>>>>>>so since you are on f17, I suspect the issue is there. To attempt to
>>>>>>test this, I spun up a new f17 vm and installed ruby(nothing 
>>>>>>of ours).
>>>>>>I then ran:
>>>>>>$ irb
>>>>>>irb(main):001:0> require 'minitest/unit'
>>>>>>LoadError: cannot load such file -- minitest/unit
>>>>>>F17 installs ruby 1.9.3, fwiw, your example shows 1.9.1 - but I dont
>>>>>>think that is the problem.
>>>>>>Same error, so good indicator there.  I ran the same experiment on
>>>>>>rvm+ruby 1.9, and the library loaded.  Then I created a new gemset,
>>>>>>blew away the lock file, and rebuilt it on ruby 1.9 (rvm-installed).
>>>>>>Still no minitest listed there. Then I did a bit of googling, and see
>>>>>>that minitest is, in fact, part of the 1.9 stdlib[1][2], meaning
>>>>>>installing ruby should get the library for you. Even the github
>>>>>>page[3] for minitest says the gem is only needed for ruby 1.8.
>>>>>>Back to f17.  yum search minitest gets me a rubygem.  I have more
>>>>>>searching to do, but I vaguely recall some discussion on ruby-sig
>>>>>>about splitting out some parts of ruby libraries into separately
>>>>>>installable rpms, for the purpose of allowing them to be updated
>>>>>>independently for errata/bugfixes, for example.  I am going to search
>>>>>>the archive and reply again shortly, but wanted to get this 
>>>>>>mail out n
>>>>>>case you are beating your head against it still.
>>>>>>However, all this still doesn't answer the question of why 
>>>>>>minitest is
>>>>>>being required in the first place, or by whom.  Grepping for
>>>>>>'minitest' in activesupport gem dir returned nothing for me, so think
>>>>>>that is not the culprit. I also grepped in the specifications
>>>>>>directory, and found references to it in a number of libraries, but
>>>>>>they are all listed as developer_dependencies, unless you have a
>>>>>>version of rubygems < 1.2.0. This is not the case is it?  If 
>>>>>>not, have
>>>>>>you made any changes to your Gemfile? I can continue to help debug
>>>>>>this if needed, ping me later on irc - perhaps I can replicate your
>>>>>>steps to see where things mught have gone wrong.
>>>>>Yes, I can confirm it is Fedora issue, since Fedora unbundles
>>>>>minitest out of Ruby, because bundling is wrong. Please add the
>>>>>minitest into your Gemfile. Since that time, it will work on your
>>>>>Mac as well as on Fedora.
>>>>>BTW minitest is required by activesupport. And you should search for
>>>>This is another reason we shouldn't be depending on any of the Fedora
>>>>ruby stack for upstream development. Rather than "add minitest into
>>>>your Gemfile," which makes us automatically different from normal
>>>>upstream Ruby projects, let's "use standard upstream Ruby with RVM."
>>>>Then it becomes a different team's concern to do the product
>>>>packaging, which may well include "add minitest into the Cloud Engine
>>>>Product's Gemfile" and undoubtedly many other distro-specific changes.
>>>>For the record, I have no opinion on whether bundling in Fedora
>>>>packages is wrong or not. I just don't want packaging in between us
>>>>and success.
>>>+1, I meant to reply with something similar, but forgot.  I thin
>>>adding a dependency in the product (or even fedora) _rpm spec_ is
>>>fine, but it doesn't belong in the Gemfile.  I have not tested this
>>>scenario, but I suspect it will 'just work' if done this way, and
>>>allows fedora/rhel to do what they want afa ruby package structure.
>>After I sent this, I remembered I had an f17 vm where I had replicated
>>the require failure.  I just booted it, installed rubygem-minitest,
>>and then tries to require 'minitest/unit' (the error line crag got),
>>and it worked, didn't even require loading rubygems first, so this
>>further makes me feel any minitest requirement here is a pure
>>rhel/fedora spec/rpm packaging issue.
>Firstly, it is interesting, that although you know that adding 
>minitest into Gemfile would mean that your product would run 
>everywhere, you will not do that for not apparent reason. It is 
>interesting, that although the minitest dependency is required, you 
>don't want to do it explicitly. Moreover, I am pushing upstream to 
>solve this issue and hopefully one day, it will be done right, i.e. 
>you will need to add the minitest into your Gemfile anyway. So why 
>don't do it right now? The benefit to you will be that you know what 
>are you using and you would be able to use more recent version of 
>minitest, instead of the one bundled with Ruby.

We have _no_ direct dependency on minitest, it is brought in _through_
a direct dependency, therefore it does not belong in our Gemfile.  If
anything, bundler should include it in the lock file, and if it did
that, I would not be opposed.  I can see no reason why a ruby project
should add specific dependencies for a given OS/distribution who
happens to have chosen a different way to release versions of things.
Should the ruby world decide the start using an unbundled version of
the standard libraries, that is fine, and bundler would get updated
to reflect those dependencies.  In the meantime, if a platform like
fedora needs it to be explicit, that should be immediately obvious
when someone goes to package a gem/project.  Again, we do not
explicitly depend on this library, so even in the fedora case, that
dependency would have been resolved in the packaging for the given
library (think this was active*something that needed it).


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