Need to add minitest to Gemfile

Crag Wolfe cwolfe at
Thu Aug 9 16:18:09 UTC 2012

On 08/09/2012 06:46 AM, Jason Guiditta wrote:
> On 08/08/12 17:22 -0700, Crag Wolfe wrote:
>> conductor/src/Gemfile currently does not have a dependency for
>> minitest, but it should. I ran into this while trying to run "bundle
>> exec rake spec" and "bundle exec rake cucumber" in a
>> bundler-development environment (thanks Richard for helping me debug
>> this).
>> I'm not certain whether this dependency belongs in the top section as
>> "gem 'minitest' (which works fine for me) or just under "group
>> :development, :test do"
>> --Crag
>> P.S. Is there a reason we don't have the lists of gems in Gemfile
>> alphabetized? :-)
> Where do you see a dep needed on minitest? I have an rvm gemset with
> only gems install by bundler (which does not include minitest), and it
> seems fine. If we really did need it for some reason, where it
> goes should be the dev/test block - requiring a test library to run
> the main app would be madness and a bug to be fixed, imo.
> -j

I am just using Bundler, not rvm.  FWIW, this particular test is on 
FC17.  The error I get is pasted below, the main hint being "cannot load 
such file -- minitest/unit (LoadError)".  This error goes away when I 
add minitest to the Gemfile and refresh my gems with "bundle install". 
So, not sure why it is not an issue in rvm (is it doing some extra Gem 
magic?) but clearly looks to be an issue just using Bundler.

$ bundle exec rake cucumber
===== boot.rb will try and use bundler =========
===== application.rb will try and use bundler =========
Failed to load /home/prince/w1/conductor/src/config/oauth.json, 
continuing without OAuth support. Run rake dc:oauth_keys and restart 
Conductor to enable.
/usr/bin/ruby -S bundle exec cucumber  --profile default
Using the default profile...
===== boot.rb will try and use bundler =========
===== application.rb will try and use bundler =========
DEPRECATION WARNING: Calling set_table_name is deprecated. Please use 
`self.table_name = 'the_name'` instead. (called from <top (required)> at 
Failed to load /home/prince/w1/conductor/src/config/oauth.json, 
continuing without OAuth support. Run rake dc:oauth_keys and restart 
Conductor to enable.
DEPRECATION WARNING: Calling set_table_name is deprecated. Please use 
`self.table_name = 'the_name'` instead. (called from <class:Quota> at 
DEPRECATION WARNING: Calling set_primary_key is deprecated. Please use 
`self.primary_key = 'the_name'` instead. (called from <class:ViewState> 
at /home/prince/w1/conductor/s
cannot load such file -- minitest/unit (LoadError)
`block in require'

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